
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Family Party Photos

Last weekend in Port St. Lucie, at my cousin Tiffany's house, we had a family party to celebrate, Aunt Dot & Uncle Lenny's 50th Wedding Anniversary, Tiffany & Steve's vow renewal and Tiffany's Mom's birthday.
Tiffany & Steve did a GREAT Job and we had lots of fun. My Special Aunt Ginger & Uncle Vernon came down from South Carolina for the party and stupid me, I got no pictures of them..bummer!!! I was so happy to see them and so glad they made the trip.

Beau trying to do the hula hoop... The Miles Family
Jessia doing the hula hoop..
Beautiful Carlee Rae
Tiff & Steve renewing vows..
Beautiful Jessica
The Boys... Rob, Dad, Frank & Uncle Lenny
Dad & Len
Jen.......(hot mama)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary Jen & Frank

Happy Anniversary Frank & Jennifer!!!!

I think it's been 14 years....I could be off by a year or two as I am not good with dates at all, as a matter of fact, their actual anniversary was yesterday the 22nd, and I did remember it but forgot to post yesterday.
Fourteen years and 4 kids later, they are still going strong and we are so blessed to be able to share their lives with them.
And since my computer is in the shop that has all my pictures on it, this is picture of the whole group I found on my office computer.
We hope you had an AWESOME Anniversary
and we hope you all the years ahead are AMAZING.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lauren's Baby Shower

Our friends Jamie & Lauren are expecting baby #2, a girl named Lyla Rose, and Joey can't wait to be a big brother. Here's a few pictures from Lauren's baby shower....

Congratulations Lauren, Jamie & Joey
We hope all your dreams for your new baby girl come true!!!!

Happy Birthday Billy

Our nephew Billy, turned 7 years old last week and we got to celebrate with Billy over the weekend at a family party.

Billy spent lots of time in this hammock on Saturday rolled up like a burrito.
Happy Birthday Billy!!!
We Love You....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 50th Weddiny Anniversary Aunt Dot & Uncle Lenny
We Love You!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Suzie

Today is my Dear Beautiful Friend Suzie's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Suzie, we hope you have the BEST Birthday ever and may all your birthday wishes come true!!!

It was so great to hang with you, Jon, Robin, John, Angela and Amanda last night. It was a nice surprise seeing everyone.
Suzie is a huge Miami Dolphins fan an in honor of them winning a game yesterday, I will put this post in Dolphin Colors.

We Love You!!!
Pattie & Rob

Jon & Suzie

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Special Birthday

Today is a special birthday...Miss Caylie turns 3 today!!

This is the first birthday that Caylie will celebrate in the U.S. She's been home about a year now and she has adjusted extremely well and is the sweetest thing ever. Everyone that meets miss Caylie falls instantly in love with her. Her Mommy says she's a total Diva. She loves Dora and she loves to swim (swims like a fish) she loves dancing and coloring and dressing up.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl and we hope all your birthday wishes come true and many more.
We Love You!!
Pattie & Rob