
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nate had a little accident

We were up pretty late last night because Rob had to take Nathan to get stitches on his head!!
The kids were with Rob at his warehouse, they love hanging out there, not sure why, personally I'd rather have a root canal. Anyway, Nathan was tossing some kind of toy boat in the air, and it hit a light fixture which fell down and cut him.
So if you've ever had a cut anywhere on the head you know it bleeds pretty bad, and this put poor Nathan into a panic and when he saw all the blood and it made him toss his cookies, poor guy.
Rob got it under control and he was up and running around right away. Well I suggested he take Nate to the doctor to look at it but you know men. Rob said Nate is fine and running around like nothing happened and I'm bringing them home right after they get these airbrushed tattoo's done...WHAT!!!!
One of Rob's warehouse friends is an airbrush artist. Rob said it'll just take a minute, okay if you know Rob, a minute in Rob's world is easily 20-30 minutes. So at 10pm he calls to say Nate's head is gushing again....HELLO!!
So I found an after hours pediatric emergency care center because we all know if he went to the Emergency Room at the hospital, we'd still be there 8 hours later!!! They took him in right away and fixed him all up, he got 3 staples. And the doctors loved them so much he only charged half price!! Thank Goodness because they did not take the kids insurance.
Here a few pictures I took once they finally got home around 11:30pm!! I think it was 1:30pm before everyone was in bed!!

Nate showing us his tough side
Here's the tattoo that was more important than going to the doctor..LOL
Here is Miss Megan's tattoo!! I know what your thinking..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Break 2009 Continued.....

We took the kids to see the Under the Sea 3D movie at the IMAX theater in the Museum of Discovery and Science, it was a great movie but very short. We then walked around the New River area and took some cute pictures..

Spring Break 2009

Enjoy these pictures from our Spring Break Adventures so far....
First we picked up the kids in Orlando, and then we spent a few days on the Beach in New Smyrna thanks to my Sister Gina for hooking us up a condo on the beach!!! The weather was cool, rainy and windy but we still managed some time on the beach, in the pool and at the park. My Dad, The Buck also joined us for the fun.
Billy, Nate, Ian & Megan having fun in the pool
Ian & Rob...look how tall Ian is
Gina & Dad
A Visit from the Ice Cream truck....Billy has a brain freeze...LOL
Miss Megan
The Buck on the Play Ground...
Gina Bo-Bina
Billy Boy
Nate & Megan
Ian...looking like Huck Finn
Rob & the kids....sun messed up the picture
Surf Fishing
Megan & Nathan

Getting ready to fish
Nathan running on the beach
New Smyrna Beach

Rob & Kids in the pool at sunrise!!!
Our view from the condo we stayed in
Sunrise on the Beach

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelly

Today is our good friend Kelly's Birthday....
Happy Birthday Kelly we hope you have the BEST Birthday ever and may all your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You

Birthday Catch Ups.....

Monday was my brother-in-law Chad's birthday, and we were happy to be able to Celebrate your birthday with you Chad!!

Happy Birthday Chad!!
We Love You

Birthday Catch Ups.....

Today is my Uncle Vernon's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Uncle Vernon, wish we could be with you to celebrate. We hope you have the BEST birthday ever!!
And last Saturday, while we were out of town, was Aunt Ginger's Birthday.

So in honor of your Birthday's enjoy these Birthday Cupcakes!!!

We Love You and We Miss You So Much!! We hope all your Birthday Wishes Come True!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break

Our View from our beach front condo!!!
The kids are on Spring Break starting tomorrow!!! We will be picking them up tomorrow in Orlando. Their Grandmother is driving them to Orlando, so that helps us out a lot!! Thanks Granny we love you!!

Then we'll be spending a few days in a condo on the Beach in New Smyrna. My Sister hooked us up with a 2/2 condo on the beach for $75!!! Can you believe it. It pays to know the right people. Since we can't afford to take the kids to Disney, we'll be spending some time on the Beach and the kids love the beach and the beach is free!!
Check back in a few days to see the pictures. I got another camera for my birthday (I know I'm obsessed with cameras) but this time I finally got the camera I've wanted all along, the others just didn't cut far I love it and I can't wait to get some great pictures of the kids.
So thanks to My husband and my family for the camera!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Food Network....Chefs Live

It two Sister and I get to see in Person...Paula Deen and I hope her hunky sons too in Palm Beach, we are so excited and we can't wait.
I gave my sister the tickets for Christmas and for my Birthday my Sister gave me tickets to see the Nellys also!!
After we see Paula Deen, my sister is going to a book signing luncheon with Paula Deen (another Christmas gift my Sister got from her boss) and while that's happening I am going to see the Neelys!! So while she's lunching with Paula I'll be at the Neelys live
Stay tuned for pictures.....I hope they let us take in cameras!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Carlee's Birthday picture catch up...

Below are the pictures from Carlee's Birthday....she's the cutest thing!!

Carlee & her cake that she and her Daddy made together

Happy Birthday Carlee....We Love You!!!