
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Megan's Birthday Party Pictures

Megan's Birthday is today...
but her Birthday party was on Sunday at the Beach.
Here are the pictures from Sunday's Beach Party and from tonights birthday celebration.

Megan' s Birthday Cookie
Megan with her Big Brother' she is opening a card and gift from the boys.....
Everyone is all sweaty from camp and running around....just ignore that part...hee hee

Beach Birthday Party Pictures
This is Rob & Dad setting up for Party
It was a Beautiful Day Outside
This is our Picnic Table
Daddy's Girl
Rob and his Babies.....All My LOVES
Cousin NICK.......we just love him!!!
Cousin Tiffany and Aunt Gina helped Celebrate too
Baby Riley stopped by with her Daddy Donny
Isn't Riley the cutest thing!!!
Cousin Billy had fun with Bubbles
Nate also had fun with bubbles....Thank Tiffany for bringing the bubbles for all the kids!!!
More Bubble Fun
We decided Megan wins the Cutest Butt Contest!!!
And Ian...well....Not So Much!!! That's okay Ian your still Good Looking!!!
The Birthday Girl getting ready to blow out her Birthday Cupcake Candles
Ian and Billy
Billy was having lots of fun......
Megan got Lots of great gifts...........
more gifts........
Our Handsome Nathan..making a funny face and Aunt Dot!!!
Megan and Carly
We had a GREAT time and Thank you to all of our Family and Friends who came out and celebrated Megans Birthday with us!!!
We are so Blessed to have such an amazing family and Great Friends!!

Happy Birthday Tracy

Lots of Birthday's this week.
My Cousin Tracy in South Carolina also had a birthday this week.
Happy Birthday Tracy!!!We Miss You and We Love!!!
We hope you had the BEST Birthday ever and we hope all your Birthday Wishes Come True!!

Happy Birthday Amy!!!

Today is our Gorgeous Cousin Amy's Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday AMY....We hope you have the BEST Birthday EVER and May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!!
Amy is in South Carolina...We Miss You Amy and We Love You!!

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

Today our Beautiful Megan Turns 10!!
Happy Birthday Megan Princess of the World

We Love You Squirrel
Love Dad, Pattie, Ian & Nathan

(pictures posted later when I get home)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jen's visit with Dad & Marcia

Today, up in Wisconsin, Jen got a visit from Dad & Marcia and they sent us these pictures on the phone. Rob was so excited to see these pictures, he had me put them on the blog right away.
This picture just touches our hearts so much......
Our Beautiful Sister Jen & Dad (Ross)
Our Beautiful Little Sis Heather Ann & Jen with Heather's son Matthew and Kylie
Looks like a fun day in the park......wish we could be there too!!
We Love You Guys!!
Rob, Pattie, Ian, Nathan & Megan

Friday, June 26, 2009

Boat Restoration

Rob has been restoring an old 1961 Boston Whaler. The Boat belongs to our Cousins Jen & Frank, who got the boat handed down from our Uncle's a family boat. Frank told Rob to take the boat and keep in his warehouse to play around with and use it if he wants....WELL you know Rob and boats, he not only played around with the boat but he gave it a complete makeover. He has had a great time bringing this old boat back to life....Check it out

Before Pictures

The entire bottom had to be re-done - This is the AFTER of the bottom

The Trailer also got a face lift
Getting there
All pieces drying after the being painted
Putting it back together
The new Steerring console

New Seats
Almost Done
The Finished boat in action.....
The kids will be seeing a lot of this boat this summer......
Not sure if Jen & Frank will ever be able to get their boat back....LOL

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!

Happy Fathers Day to all the DADs out there!!!
Today I'll be spending the day with my AMAZING Dad, My Sister and I are very blessed to have such a GREAT Dad!!! Rob gets to spend it with his kids today so it's Extra Special for him too!!! And Rob is talking to his Dad again, so this is the BEST Fathers Day Rob's had in a long time!!

Father's Day Morning......
Look at these Gorgeous Faces....
Ian was sleeping, he slept all day because Rob had him out fishing all night, they got home at 6:00am this morning!! Rob is going on about 2 hours sleep in this picture...
p.s.....They caught ZERO fish

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tennessee .........

We had a wonderful time in Tennessee. It was my first time to Tennessee and Rob's first time actually spending time there and not just driving through. We fell in love with the place!! It so beautiful with the mountains all around.
It took exactly 13 hours to get to our hotel in Knoxville. I drove the first 8 hours and Rob drove the rest. It was an easy drive until we got to Atlanta in the middle of rush hour, other than that it was great.
First we surprised our Niece Deena at her job Friday night. We got to town just in time to visit her before they closed. She works at Buddy's BBQ...and it was yummy too!!
Saturday we went to Deena's and hung out there for a litte while, they have such a great place. They even have horses in thier back yard!!
Then Deena took us site seeing. Our first stop was a senic route through the hills of the Great Smokey Mountains. It was gorgeous!!!
We saw lots of people tubing down the rivers. (very cool). We went to Gaitlinburg and Pigeon Forge. We visted a really cool aquarium in Gatlinburg and the Dukes of Hazard Muesum.....Rob made us go in there...LOL Then we all went to dinner Saturday night with Deena's family. We had a blast!!
Sunday Rob spent the day with Harry & Cody on the boat and Deena and I went to Cade's Cove in the Smokey Mountains National's breath taking. We saw 7 Black Bears, several Deer, Wild Turkeys and three snakes!!
It was a short trip but we can't wait to go back!!!!
Here are the pictures.........
Black Bears... We saw several and three cubs

Deena & Me looking Goofy


Dipping our feet in the COLD Creek...
Deena's feet

Old Log Cabins from the 1800' s in Cades Cove

Rob at the Dukes of Hazzard Museum.....
The General Lee

Looking down into Gatlinburg
Me & Deena

Pictures from the Aquarium in Gatlinburg

Rob picking up a Horseshoe Crab
Deena picking up Horseshoe Crab

Deena and Wilson......
Wilson is a Miniture Pony, isn't he cute!!!
Deena's back yard
Looking for some carrots at the back door