
Thursday, December 31, 2009


We Wish All of our Family and Friends,
Happines, Good Health & Good Fortune in the New Year!!
Rob & Pattie

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cabin Christmas 2009.....Part Two

Sorry it took me so long to post the rest of these pictures but I have been sick and just not up to it. I am so bored being home, everytime I lay down I can't stop I might as well update the blog at least I feel like I am accomplishing something.

Besides all the presents we also had time for a little fishing and lots of quality time just enjoying the family!!

Megan trying to catch a Bass!!

Kylie & Gracie were great fisherwoman!!

Megan got some baking tools for Xmas so we made some cupcakes and a Xmas Cake.

Then Miss Gracie wanted to help

Here they are mixing the goodies

Then Miss Kylie came to help cute are these girls!!!!

They had so much fun

Here's the Xmas Tree Cake they made

One night we decided to go out to dinner and Ian recently got his drivers license, so naturally he drove us to dinner, he did a great job!!!

Pictures with Grandma Miller
This is Grandma (Marcia) with all her Grandkids

Our Kids with Grandma Miller...they love her so much!!

Grandma & Sweet Kylie

Grandma & cute little Matthew

Beautiful Aunt Jenny & Gracie....


Tanya, Jen & Rob

"Tee Tee"

Awe Jen loves her Big Brother

Blake & Gracie

The Gridswalds.....LOL

The Reddings....

The Miller Kids

The Millers

Me and My Sweetie

Jen with her babies, Tyler & Kylie

Best Buds....

Daddy's Girl

Tyler & Grace (cousins)

Then before we knew was time to pack up and go home
boo hoo

It was all over but the hugs and the crying....

It was the BEST Trip ever and We had such a GREAT Time.
We Love You Guys So Much and We Can't wait until Next Year!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Miller Family Cabin Christmas 2009

We always enjoy our Cabin Christmas with the kids because anytime we spend with the kids is the BEST ever but this year it was even more special because some of Rob's family were able to join us. We had so much fun and the kids had the BEST Christams Ever!! It was so special to everyone, all the stress and exhaustion getting ready for it was totally worth it!!! And we can not wait to do it again!!!!
Get ready here comes lots of pictures.........

The Cabins were so cozy as usual

These were our two Cabin/Cottages

The Lake was as Beautiful as ever....

I quickly decorated while Rob ran to pick up the kids

Here's our little tree

Stockings were hung by the Chimmney

Cookie Plate for Santa's Cookies

Everything was Ready.....we just needed a visit from Santa

But first everyone came over and tasted a little Ghetto Spaghetti!!!
We were in a hurry so instead of spending so much time going to the busy Walmart for grocieries we decided to find just a grocery store, well all could find was something called Discount Grocery and let me tell you it was in the hood!! Rob even had to keep going outside to check and make sure no one was breaking into his truck. I told Rob, I am not going in there, but he forced me too!! I am still mad at him for making me shop there, they did not have any of the usual items I needed, but I guess the spaghetti was edible.

The kids enjoying their dinner

Then it was time to Celebrate Craig's Birthday
Happy Birthday Craig!!
You'll notice the candles on the cake are a 3 and a question mark....
They were not sure how old Craig was so they opted for a Thirty Something candle....LOL

Then it was finally time for Santa to come...
First we put out the least the ones that did not get eaten by the kids
Chocolate Chip of course, Santa's Favorite!!

Santa came, he filled up the stockings and left lots of goodies
oh and he ate all the cookies too!!

He even left a Christmas Dress for Megan

He also filled all the stockings for the kids cousins
Tyler, Blake, Kylie, Matthew & Gracie!!

He even left lots of presents for all of the cousins

Megan & Nathan were up at 5:15am!!!
But we made them wait until it was light out to start opening

Megan put on her Xmas Dress right away!!!

First they cleaned out the stockings....Nathan loves his hat
He looks like an Elf!!

Santa brought me a little bling bling too!!

Megan showing us her Zuhu Pet that she got from Aunt Dot!!

Megan and her matching look alike Bratz Doll

Nate building his Kinex Roller Coaster

That turned into this......good Job Nathan!!

Ian showing off his new Guy Harvery Shirt....The Front

The Back...a Bass of course

Then all the Cousins came over and it was lots of fun!!
Everyone was opening gifts and having so much fun!!

First all the Kids emptied their Stockings

Kylie showing us her Barbies!!

Matthew with his Magic Kit

Ian got the XBox 360

Goodies for Grandma Miller

Uncle Craig gets some Dallas Cowboys goodies

Rob trys on his new hat and he's also wearing his new Guy Harvey Sweat Shirt that the kids gave him.

WHAT!!! A Bears Jersey!! Rob loves it!!

Blake gets a new BIKE!!!

Rob made Blake a Custom Bike Ramp

Ian gets some cool games for his XBox

Little Gracie showing us her new outfit!! So Cute!!

And yes, no Christmas would be complete without a dip in the Naked Barbie Pool
Grace & Kylie had lots of fun with their new Barbies!!

Whew, that's a lot of pictures.....stay tuned more to come!!
Merry Christmas!!