
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

I hope the New Year finds everyone in good health and in a GOOD Place all around.

I am sure at this point everyone has given up reading this block since I have neglected it for almost two years now!!! I am sorry for being such a bad blogger these past two years.
I am going to try and get back to it this year and stay current!!!

Here is a recap of 2013....

The Year flew by and all in all it was a pretty GREAT Year, with a few low spots...but mostly GREAT!!

January is always a sad month for me, I seem to always get the Post Holiday Blues in January, not sure why but it seems for the past few years I've experienced a bit of the Blues in January, and It could also be due to the fact that it's the Month of My Mom's Birthday. 

January in 2013 started out with my oldest Step Son staying with us until he had to leave for Boot Camp in February as he joined the Army as a Military Police Officer. We were thrilled to get to spend this time with Ian before he left for Boot Camp in Missouri.  In January Rob & Ian had a boys weekend to Tampa to see their favorite Group The Lacs...
Here is Ian with The Lac Boys!!

By the time January was over I was excited about an upcoming trip to Las Vegas to Celebrate my good friend Doreen's 50th Birthday!!

Rob could not come to Vegas with me so while I was in Vegas, he and Ian escaped for a Boys Weekend to the Keys with my Dad "The Buck" They had a Great Boys Bonding Weekend!!

Dad & Ian showing off the Catch of The Day!!

Since Rob could not go with me to Vegas, my Awesome Cousin Amy from South Carolina met me in Vegas and we had a Blast!!!

Amy & I at Dinner at the Mirage
The Strip 
 My Handsome Cousin Scott came and met us for lunch 

 We had lots of yummy cocktails! 
 Doreen (The Birthday Girl) & Dave
More Drinks and gambling!!
 We Stayed at New York New York 

Happy Birthday Doreen and Thanks for a GREAT Weekend in Vegas!!

We had lots of Family Birthdays in January & February

for my BFF Cousin Jennifer, I got tickets from work to see Pink!
Best Concert Ever!!!!
Poor Jen was very sick with a bad cold 
but she was a trooper and Enjoyed 
the Concert!!

We had a busy February!!! Wait until you see what we did in March & April!!! 

March & April 2013 Recap

March is always busy as we have several birthdays and Spring Break!!!

We started out the Month with a Visit with my Sweet Cousin Lenny's Son LJ!!
LJ lives in Texas but he was visiting in Florida for a bit....
We had a BBQ at Lenny & Marissa's House and celebrated all the March Birthdays!!

One of the Birthday Cakes Aunt Dot Made...
The LSR stands for Lenny, Stevo & Rob but its not Rob's Birthday
She was confused!!! ha ha ha

Here is LJ!!!

Another cake Aunt Dot Made 

Aunt Dot, LJ & Jennifer

All The Kids!!
 Lenny & LJ!!! 

Then for My Birthday - We went to Naples for the Weekend!!
We Love Naples and we went over to Celebrate My Birthday.
It was St. Patrick's Day Weekend so it was a bit crowded but still Awesome!!
 Naples has best Sunsets in Florida

Then before we knew it... It was Spring Break
We took the Kids to St. Augustine and My Dad came with!!
King Rob

Very Peaceful place in St. Augustine

 The Buck (Dad) at the Pirate Muesum

 Riding the Trains All the rain!! It was fun

Spring Break 2013

Happy Easter - April 2013
Cake that Aunt Dot Made
 Aunt Dot with all the Deserts

We started our Easter off with a visit to our good friends 
The Bakers Open House  before Dinner with our family
 Cookies I took to The Bakers
 Easter Peeps Cake I made for Easter Dinner

Another Fun thing we did in April was attend a Mystery Murder
Dinner at our friends' House (The Bakers) We had to dress up and
it was Soooo Much Fun...this was Rob's outfit

 We got to See Our Cousin Frankie Play Baseball
for The Deerfield Bucks!!! 
 Then we had a Visit from My Nephew Beau, all the way from Michigan
At the Hard Rock, Johnny Rockets 
 My Cousin Marissa & Beau
 Beau & I in Naples - Day Trip

 Then it was the Big Production of Wizard of OZ!!
Our Gorgeous Cousin Jesscia was the Scarecrow
and she was Amazing!!
 And our Beautiful Cousin Carlee was also in the Play and she was Adorable
As a Munchkin and a few other characters..

Great Job Jessica & Carlee!!! 

Stay Tuned for our Big Adventures in May!!!

May & June 2013 Recap

May is always a Fun Month for us, It's Rob's Birthday Month and Our Anniversary!!!

This year for Rob's Birthday, I got tickets for us to go see his favorite group The Lacs, and they just happened to be in Augusta, GA, right by my cousins!!! Yay, so we got to visit with my Cousins and see The Lacs.....We had  a Blast!!!
We Started Out the Month flying to Atlanta
 We Stopped for Lunch in Atlanta at Gladys Night & The Pimps Restaurant
for famous Chicken & Waffles!!!

It was Really Good....but I left my phone there and did not
realize it until we drove 2 hours to Augusta!! But Rob Called them and
they held it for us until we went back a few days later to fly home!!

Rob and The Lac Boys!!!

 Beautiful May with Sweet Baby Amelia!!!
 Rob, Amy & Reynold at the Lacs concert
It was a GREAT Trip and We had lots of fun Hanging with Tracy, Kristen, 
Amy & Reynold and We got to see my Uncle Vernon Too!!
Thanks For lettting us stay with  you Tracy and for all the Awesome Food you made!!
We Love Ya'll XOXO

Happy Birthday To My Handsome Husband!!
Love You Baby!!

Happy 6 year Anniversary To Us!!!
We spent the weekend on the Beach....It was perfect!!
Our view from our room

 Hung out on the Beach

 Enjoyed some Tasty Cocktails!!

We played a little Corn Hole

It was an Awesome Anniversary Celebration!!!

Then on May 22... Rob got a Big Surprise
A New Truck & Truck payment!! He LOVES it!!

May is Over and June starts off to a Really Bad Start...
My Sister Gina went into the Hospital for a routine Kidney Stone Removal
but the infection was so bad, she became septic and her body could barely fight it off and 
she went into Respitory Distress and Could not breathe on her own.. and was put
on a Ventalator to breath for three days. I am getting the chills just thinking about it. 
I will never get the sight of her on the vent out of my head. I could not sleep or eat or think for those three days.  All I could do was sit there with her and talk to her and pray!!! Finally they took her off the vent and she could breath on her own but had to stay on oxgen and breathing treatments for another 5 days. She could not walk or even eat on her own, It was pretty scary and I felt helpless but  I was able to help feed her and help her walk. I was so happy when she was finally moved out of ICU. She does not even remember most of it, thank goodness!!! Don't know what I would do without my Sister!!! Love You Gina!!!

By the time I came back from taking care of my Sister, Rob had picked up the Kids for The Summer!!!

Happy Fathers Day!!!
The Kids could not wait to give Rob this Beer Card!!

A few days later... we went on an Adventure with our Friends Annette & John
 to Miami for some yummy BBQ and We visited the Big Foot Research Center!!

It was a Fun Day!!

Megan Turns 14 - Birthday Dinner at Behni Hanna 

Megans New High Shoes!!

Happy Birhday Our Beautiful Megan!!
We Love You!!!