
Friday, October 26, 2007

Fun, Crazy & Busy 2007 Recap....

Here it is October already; this year is flying by so fast. We wanted to create this blog site, so we can keep in touch with all of our family & friends. This has been such a fun and crazy busy year. I will try to recap the year so far…..The year stared off with me having a bad cold, it finally went away and returned about 6 weeks later. I think I was just a little run down and stressed from planning the Wedding. Our Wedding date was set for May 11th and we were finalizing all the arrangements.

In February we went to Orlando to watch my beautiful cousin Jessica, who is 8 years old twirl her baton in a parade at Walt Disney World.

March and April were pretty busy with birthdays and travel with work. My bridal shower was also given in April, it was an amazing shower thrown by family and friends. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome family and amazing friends.

In mid April, forgive me for not knowing the exact date, I'm horrible with dates, but around Mid April our good friends Lauren and Jamie welcomed their first child into the world, Joseph James Roberts was born, and he is the happiest and cutest little boy. Congratulations Lauren and Jamie!!!

Then in Early May the family stared to come to town for the big event. I finally got to meet the rest of Rob's family, as they all live in other states. His Mom Karen and Step dad Dave, who came from Texas are amazing and made me feel so comfortable. Rob's beautiful sisters also came Kate from Illinois and Jenny, and Jen's two kids Tyler(12)and Kylie(5)from Wisconsin also came to town, Jen took our Wedding photos for us. Thank you JEN your awesome!!! Rob's cousin Julia also came to town from Illinois, it meant so much to Rob to have his family together. We can't wait for their next visit!!!

We had a fabulous rehearsal dinner that my cousin Jen & Frank hosted for us. Thanks Jen & Frank we love you!! We were married on May 11th on a boardwalk on the beach, it was a perfect day and we had so much fun, all of our family and friends were there, it was perfect!! I married my soul mate who keeps me laughing everyday no matter how bad things get.

A week later we went on our Honeymoon Cruise. It was Rob's first cruise and my 4th, needless to say, it was AWESOME!! We had a blast and Rob is now hooked on cruising and we are already planning one for our 1st Wedding Anniversary!!!

An awesome event happened in Michigan while we were on our honey moon. My nephew Matthew (Beau) graduated high school. Congratulations Beau!!! I am so proud of you!! Matthew has since moved to Daytona to stay with his Mom. We are so happy to have Matt so much closer to us now and hope to see lots of him!!!

Shortly after we returned from our honeymoon my two youngest step children Megan and Nathan came to stay for two weeks. Did I mention I have the most gorgeous step children ever!!!

We had lots of fun and celebrated Megan's 8th birthday, which included a sleepover, a Hello Kitty Party and a trip to Build-a-bear with her friends, it was loads of fun!!

After two weeks, Megan and Nathan had to return home, as they are too young to stay alone and we had to work, but then Ian our good looking 14 year old came to stay for the rest of the summer. We missed Megan and Nathan like crazy but we were so happy to have Ian for the rest of the summer. He had a good summer going to work with Rob and catching more Bass than we could count. Did I mention he's the best bass fisherman and he's only 14. He turned 14 at the end of the summer. And we are now missing all 3 of them like crazy!!!

In late July another good friend had an amazing adventure, he got married. Our friends Rich & Rhonda Rettstadt were married during a private ceremony at Little Palm Island in the Keys, Congratulations Rich and Rhonda!! We are so happy for you.

Just when things were starting to calm down, we found out that my cousin Tiffany got engaged!! Congrats Tiffany and Stevo. What GREAT News!! A 2008 Wedding is planned.

Then it was time for fall break for the kids, so we packed up our stuff and headed to Lake Seminole, Georgia. We rent cabins on the lake and have the best time. We pick up the kids on the way to the Lake. We've started a tradition of going to the Lake every year. Last year we went 3 times, but this year October was our first visit. The best part of this visit to the Lake was that lots of my family came with us!!! My Dad Buck, Aunt Dot, Uncle Lenny, Cousins Jen, Frank their kids, Frankie (9), Jessica (8), Carlee (5) & Nick (3), Frank's Sister Lisa and her daughter Kayla (9), that group all live with us in South Florida, also my Sister Gina, her husband Chad and their kids Beau (19) and Billy (6) all came who live in Daytona, FL, then my Aunt Ginger, Uncle Vernon and Cousin Amy met us there who live in South Carolina. It was truly a family vacation, we had a blast and hope to do it again next year!!!

Something Wonderful happened for some friends of ours in October. Our friends Kelly & Bob Cox adopted thier beautiful little girl, Caylie form Guatemala. Welcome Home Sweet Caylie!!! Look at this picture, she is the cutest thing and even more precious in person. Congratulations Kelly & Bob we are so happy for you. You can follow their adoption journey on their blog:

So that brings us up to date and sums up our crazy and fun year!! Here it is now a week from Halloween, and we are starting to plan for the Holidays. How is that possible, it feels like just a moment ago I was still planning my Wedding and wondering how I was ever going to get through it.
This Christmas will be extra special for us because we'll have the kids with us for Christmas!!! We are so excited and we can't wait!!
So stay tuned to see what the rest of the year has in store for the Millers, our families and our friendss!!
Be Well, Have Fun, Kiss & Hug as much as you can!!
Love US

1 comment:

  1. Pattie...thank you for posting our Sweet Caylie onto your site. It is amazing that she is finally home with us and I so appreciate the support and interest you gave to me during the entire adoption. Also, thank you for giving me such a nice shower for Caylie. Now stay off of those Guat sites or else you will be next!
