
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our First Halloween as a Married Couple

Well I'd like to tell you we had the best Halloween ever, BUT.......

It started out great, we went to work, however I did forget to bring my cell phone to work so the day started out a little off for me. Rob went to work and everything was normal. We were excited to be going to a Halloween Pot-Luck dinner at our friends Kelly and Han's house later.

My office was all decorated for Halloween and at 4pm all the associates kids came in to trick-or-treat from office to office, it was great fun. (I will try to post pictures from that tomorrow).

Then I had to rush home to make a casserole to take to a Halloween Pot-Luck, but when I got home I found Rob on the floor in the bathroom hugging the bowl. I tell you he was green. He said he'd been home for an hour and before that he had to pull over several times before he made it home. I think he has food poisoning. So here we go.....can I just tell you how helpless I felt, there was nothing I could do for him, except annoy the poor guy by offering up all my suggestions on what would make him feel better when all he wanted to do was die!!! And I know how he felt, I've been there and it is the worst, and you do feel like your going to die. So that was Halloween at the Miller's 2007!!! Hope yours was much better.

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