
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi All - We would like to wish all of our family, friends and fellow bloggers a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Don't eat to much turkey or pumpkin pie.
We hope you get to spend the holiday with your family and/or friends as we will. I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post soon from our Turkey Day.
We have so much to be Thankful for this year. Even those things going on in our daily lives get us down sometimes, it's easy to bounce back because we are so blessed with such a close family, great friends and happy and healthy kids, it makes everything else seem so frivolous.
So Our Wish to you is that you can be with your family and friends this Thanksgiving. Be Happy and Healthy we hope all your Thanksgiving prayers are answered.
Love to All -
Pattie & Rob

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