
Monday, December 17, 2007

The Kids are Cruising.....

Our two youngest kids (Nathan & Megan) are currently cruising around the Caribbean. They spent the night with us Saturday then we took them back to the hotel to pick up the kids Mom (Kristin), Step Dad (Joe), Grandmother (Loretta) and cousin (Lauren) and we drove them to the Port so they could board their Ship for their cruise. Ian is still with us, as he didn’t go on the cruise this time, he’s already been. But this is the first cruise for the other two (lucky kids, I was in my 30's before I went on my first cruise), and the first cruise for Kristin also. We hope they have the BEST time ever!!!Here are some pictures……

Lauren & Megan

Loretta, Nathan, Ian, Megan, Joe, Kristin & Lauren

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