
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Camera & Hog Fest at Work…..

I got an early Christmas Present!! My husband surprised me with the camera I’ve been wanting. I’m very excited!! Thanks BABE!!! So be on the look out for new and improved pictures.
This week in the office our floor is doing our version of what used to be called the 12 Days of Christmas (comely referred to as the 12 lbs of Christmas) which starts 12 days before Christmas and we (the associates) bring in Breakfast, lunch and/or afternoon snack for the entire floor, everyday for 12 days. It just got to be way too much food. So we’ve narrowed it down to just 1 week, this week. Now comely referred to as the “Hog Fest”. The associate’s sign up for which day they want to bring in food, and we can decorate if we want to. There are about 35 people on the floor so we have to make sure there is enough food to go around; it’s actually kind of fun, a lot of work but still a lot fun. Today was my day, along with 5 other associates. We had breakfast casseroles and bagels, fruit, waffles, pancakes and zucchini bread and then after lunch we put out desserts and snacks. Today we had cheese & crackers, caramel cake, surprise cookie bars, pumpkin mouse and I made a Chocolate Trifle. I was nervous about the trifle as this was the first time I’ve ever made it. Below are the pictures of today's desserts.
Close up of my Trifle.....I think it came out Pretty Snazzy!!!

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