
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Painting Update and Weekend Plans......

I’d like to tell you that we’ve finished painting, but I can’t. I feel like we’ve stalled a bit. We really just have a small amount of trim work to do in the entry way but then we decided to start the kitchen, it just looked so awful compared to the rest of the place, so we reallty had to do it, so here we go. And last weekend Rob pretty much worked most of the weekend at his other job; I was going to say real job, but shouldn’t our home be our real job? So we really did not get much done, except for what I did, which just wasn’t enough. We told ourselves we’d do a little each night when we got home from work, YEAH RIGHT!!!!
So Rob is taking Saturday off and we are dedicating this entire weekend to finishing up our painting project.
We did manage to unload a few boxes of junk on my Mother for a future garage sale. It feels so good to be rid of the excess clutter of nick nacks that were just collecting dust.
We need to get the tree up as the kids will be arriving on December 15th!!! And I can’t begin to decorate until everything is back in its place.
So my goal is to have everything done and the tree up by Sunday night….am I crazy? Probably because we do have some other things planned this weekend, Friday night we’re going to Christmas Party at a friend’s house (Sharon & Wayne) we can’t wait!!! And Saturday night a local band is playing in Boca at Mizner Park that Rob must see!!! So pray for rain people, because it’s an outside amphitheater….hee hee, just kidding. I’ll suffer through it. You see Rob’s taste in music and mine are complete opposites. He’ll just have to go Christmas shopping with me as payback!!!

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