
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Santa Stopped Bye.....

On Christmas Eve, Rob and I were up late waiting for the kids to fall asleep so we could get things set up and I think we finally got to bed between 1:30 - 2:00 am. And the next thing I hear is.... Santa Came!! They were awake bright and early!!! It was so much fun watching the kids open all thier are some pictures, not in any kind of order...

Ian got a drum stick that was used by Travis Barker from Blink 182
We waited until all the gifts were opened before we gave them the Nintendo DS

Santa ate all of his cupcakes and milk!!
Grandpa Buck loved getting his Sun Pass
Here's cousin Billy - He loves Transformers
Nathan made this ship with cards he got for Christmas
Ian got a Lava Lamp
Megan LOVES Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty Barbie!!!
Rob showing off his new socket set
The boys got skateboard pillows...they are so cute
Nathan with his own screw driver set

Underware!!! for Ian

Right before Rob & I went to bed...notice Megan sleeping on the couch.
Megan with her xmas ornament from her Daddy

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