
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dave's Birthday Party

Saturday night Rob & I went to Howl at the Moon to help celebrate a friends birthday. (Dave Vozzola). Happy Birthday Dave!! Thanks for inviting us, we had a blast.
It was nice to get out; we haven’t been out in awhile. It was great to see some old friends and meet some new ones. This is a bit of a wild crowd. So be ready for a few crazy pictures.
If you haven’t been to Howl at the Moon, let me tell you a little bit about it. It’s a dueling piano bar, which means two guys are on stage each at a piano singing and taking requests doing crazy funny skits to get the crowd all loud and rowdy, they do sing a-longs (but they are usually R rated) It’s always a wild fun time at Howl at the Moon.
By the time we left it was after 1:00 am, my ears were ringing from the loud music, my throat was hurting from screaming and I could barely see because my contacts were foggy from all the smoke in the place (one of the few bars you can still smoke in, unfortunately). When we left the crowd was still going strong. Wonder what time everyone else finally got home?????
I was fine to drive, only had two drinks then started on water, so I was good but Rob on the other hand was feeling pretty good and when he has to much to drink, he ALWAYS wants to eat something on the way home and usually it’s hash browns, but at 1:30 a.m. the best I could do was drive through McDonalds and get him a Filet of Fish, then it’s starts raining and he starts complaing that he has to go to the bathroom really bad and keeps telling me to pull over, but at this point we are only a few minutes from home and he says he just can’t make it..WHATEVER, I’m not stopping in the rain. Well I had to stop at a stop sign as we pull into our complex and he starts to open the door before I even stop the car and I go around the corner and then I pull into a parking lot and he gets out (in the pouring rain) runs behind the back of the car into the middle of the road and bends over to look at something as far as I could tell and I am thinking what is he doing, peeing in the middle of the road!?!? He runs back jumps in the car. I said what are you doing, he said his wallet fell out when he opened the door when we went around the corner…WHAT!! Then a security guard pulls up behind us with his lights on and Rob yelling go go, (like were highschool kids running from the cops or something) so by this time, Rob still has to go to the bathroom and now I do too. We pull into the parking lot of our condo and park and now it’s pouring really hard. We get out and I can’t run because the shoes I’m wearing are slick and I’m afraid I’ll fall, so I’m barely walking and getting soaked and its freezing!!! And I’m carrying my purse, my camera and Rob’s stupid Fish Sandwich bag. I look at Rob and he ran up to the building and turns around to see me and he’s peeing!! Good thing it was 1:30 am and no one was around...MEN I swear.
I’m soaked and freezing and he’s just grinning at me like a Cheshire cat!!! And recently they removed our walkway canopy so I’m getting soaked by freezing rain the entire time until I finally get to the elevator, trying not to slip and fall. It was a fun night…just ended a little soggy..LOL
Below are the pictures……..
Dave the Birthday Boy
Doreen & Dave
Dave getting ready to do a shot
Brends giving Dave some birhtday Love
Dave doing another shot

1 comment:

  1. That looks like one fun party! Thanks for reading my blog. Do you want a dog? :)
