
Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I have been so sick for the past couple of days with the stomach flu. OMG!!! I can't even tell you how horrible it is and how horrible I feel. I am NOT a good sick person.
I've missed worked for two days so far and hoping to try and get there tomorrow but at this point, I'm not sure I still feel really week and nauseous. I am finally able to keep things down, thank the Lord!!
I swear this feels like food poisoning and a bad hangover mixed together. And the crazy thing is on Monday when I felt like I was dying, I called my Mom to come over and stay with me so Rob could go to work, and she has the same thing!! We were together over the weekend so we must have caught it together. Poor Mom!! Rob came home early to take care of me, although there isn't much anyone could do, but just having someone with you makes it better.
I will post more when I'm feeling better...hopefully that will be soon!!

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