
Friday, January 11, 2008

TGIF and Weekend Plans

This was the first full work week we have had since the Holidays and it was a long one and so busy. This time of year is crazy at work, I wonder if it’s everywhere or just the auto industry? Finally it’s Friday and I am so happy and so tired.
Tomorrow Rob & I will be cruising the intercostal on The Gallant Lady, if your not sure what the Gallant Lady is, you should Google it. Here’s a picture of it…try not to be jealous.

What do you think about that? My department will be hosting some dealers from our 5 State Region and it’s always so much fun to see everyone’s reaction when they get on the boat. It’s a Super Yacht, owned by the Founder of our company (Southeast Toyota Distributors, LLC) the late Mr. Jim Moran & his Wife Jan Moran. There are several in the fleet, this is the biggest at 172 feet!!! Do I work for a GREAT company or what!!!!
Yes, we’ll be cruising the intercoastal for a few hours having some tasty cocktails and enjoying the PERFECT weather we have been blessed with here in South Florida lately. Stay tuned for pictures from tomorrow's trip.

We hope everyone has a Super Fun Weekend!!!

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