
Friday, January 18, 2008


I don’t know about you guys but I am excited it’s Friday, it has been a busy and long week for me. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning, oh wait, that never happens anymore because Rob doesn’t sleep in and of course that means no sleeping in for me either, but I can always go back to bed after he leaves for work….hee hee

Saturday night we’ll be going to Howl at the Moon on Ft. Lauderdale Beach to celebrate a friend’s birthday (Dave Vozzola). It should be a fun time, it’s not often we get to see a lot of our old friends anymore; we missed their Christmas Party because we had all the kiddies with us. So we are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Then on Sunday Rob is going to see Marilyn Mansion, can you believe that, I shouldn’t even be telling people. You couldn’t pay me enough to sit through that, but it’s Rob’s kind of music. Good thing he has friends with similar taste in music, I’ve already attended one rock concert with him and that was enough, I went to see Slipknot and let me tell you it was a FREAK show to say the least. He owes me big for that….LOL
I am going to see Dancing with the Stars live tour next week and I can’t wait!!! Of course Rob isn’t going. Not his thing.

Have a SUPER FUN and Safe Weekend Everyone!!!

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