
Friday, February 22, 2008

Little Jobs in Big Texas!!!

Rob is doing a little remodeling with the help of his Sisters Jenny & Kate, for his Mom in Texas, and by the looks of the new colors and furniture, I think Karen is yearning for the Ocean!!!
I love the colors and the furniture and the Window Seat looks awesome!!!!
By the end of the week, there should be a built in Window Seat, new wainscoting and built in Shelves....Good Job!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
You guys should have your own home makeover show!!

Before Pictures
Framing the Window Seat
New Paint Color....beautiful
Window Seat Almost Done.....
Rob showing Kate a few tricks.....
Rob hard at work
Wait a Minute, there's no drinking on the job, I thought that was only in Cable..LOL
Rob and Jenny!!

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