
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME....

On our birthday, why oh why, must a girl be reminded all day long, that she is getting older, I mean really??? If we choose NOT to celebrate why doesn’t anyone listen to us!!! When I was in my 20’s and early 30’s it was great to celebrate but once you get into your 40’s it’s not really a joyous occasion for woman. At least not this woman, for me personally, it’s just a reminder that I’m too old to do some things that I put off and now it’s too late. Or that fact that when people ask how old are you today, you have to say it out loud, NO WAY!! I try to talk myself into to being happy by saying, life begins at 40, or 40’s the new 30, blah blah blah, but the fact is……I can’t do anything about it, so I will stop whining now and I will embrace my OLD AGE, okay okay maybe it’s not old age, so I’ll just say I am embracing my MIDDLE AGE.

Today I am GRATEFUL that I have such a great family and amazing friends that always make me feel special and loved, and what more could a girl at any age ask for, really???

So, thank you to all my friends for making me feel special at work and my friends who sent me warm birthday wishes via email or texting and cards and flowers. And a Big Thank You to my husband for making me feel so special the minute I woke up, although he makes me feel special everyday!!!

I feel very blessed today and I’m even more grateful that I am happy, healthy, safe, and loved because I know there are so many in the world that are not happy, healthy, safe or even loved. I can’t even imagine. And lately I've been drawn to those less fortunate, especially the children, but I am trying in my own small way to help those people that are not as fortunate. If you want to know how, or are interested in helping, send me an email and I’ll give you the details.

HUGS to all my AMAZING Family & Friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Pattie, Pattie, Pattie! You break my heart with what you posted on your blog because of everyone I know, you of all should be a Mommy! Like me, I know you would adopt rather than have your own child. I know this is because as we do get older, we see the hurt in the world...the hurt we couldn't see before because we were young and self-centered. So when you are feeling blue over age...just be thankful you have opened your heart to see things that most people choose to ignore. And remember, I turn 40 this year so I am with you girl! Love ya! Kel
