
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our TV Grew Up....

Remember back in November when we got our new wall unit? And our little (regular size) back in the day TV looked lost in the space. Well it grew up check out our new TV, it takes up all the space.

You may also notice all the new gigantic speakers, we've also upgraded the surround sound system, which I don't really get why we need that, but Rob is beside himself over it. So if it makes him happy, then I'm happy. I just don't know if I like the way it all looks, so I put my roses on the speaker to try and lighten it up.

We also went to Ikea last night and bought a new coffee table, I can't decide if I like it or not, well I like it, just not sure if I like in our house. I'm used to having a round coffee table for the last 12 or so years and this one is rectangle and actually has some storage for magazines and stuff. It's growing on me. I didn't take any pictures of the coffee table, these were take before we got the new coffee table. What do you think?

New TV
Old TV
We were lucky because some friends of ours were upgrading there entire entertainment system, and their downgrade is our upgrade!! So Thanks Fred & Diane for thinking of us. We love the new TV and Surround Sound.

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