
Sunday, May 18, 2008


Proramp Designs is Rob's Skateboard and Bike Ramp Design company he's trying to get started. And since the Cable business has been so slow lately, Rob has time on his hands for some other projects. One thing he LOVES is building skateboard and bike ramps. Most of you know that back in Illinois he built an entire skate park, plus tons of other ramps. Tony Hawk even skated at his skate park it was called The Pit.
Here' s a few pictures of what he's been working on. This is just a little quarter pipe he built. He also has an order to build a 5ft tall by 16ft wide Half Pipe Ramp. So he's very excited!!! Because he loves building them and when he's making money at it, it's even better!! I'll be posting pictures of the big ramp as soon as he gets started should be next week.

Finished Quarter pipe
In Progress
Rob's custom notches to hold studs in place (top secret)
Donnie (Rob's helper)
Testing it out....

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