
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Walk to Beautiful

I've been reading several blogs of people that are trying to adopt from Ethiopia and another blogger friend just returned from Africa on a mission trip, so this story caught my eye.
Tonight on PBS (and I NEVER watch PBS) but I watched a very touching documentary. It's called a Walk to Beautiful. Watch it if you have a chance. I cried for these woman, mostly very young girls.
The woman of Ethiopia are strikingly beautiful and it crushes my heart to see how they must live. These woman are so appreciative and thankful for what little they get. It makes me feel so guilty for the life I lead, which I consider ordinary, not rich or poor, we struggle at times to pay the bills but to these woman my life would be considered extreme wealth.
I pray the work that is going on there to help these woman continues and continues to grow. I will be researching more on this issue and do anything I can to try and help and bring awareness to the situation. Please go to the website and see for yourself.

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