
Monday, June 2, 2008

Maria Update

Back in April, my friend Kelly & I sponsored a little girl in Guatemala. We paid to send her to school, get new shoes, school supplies and other things. And she gets all of this for only $120 a year. Which is all it takes to sponsor a child in Guatemala, and gives them a chance to attend school, which is to expensive for their families to pay for.You can help sponsor a child like Maria too. Just go to and you will see first hand the great things that the Mayan Families organization is doing for these needy and precious children and their families.These pictures come at a perfect time, as we are struggling to pay our bills this month, because Rob’s work has been pretty slow lately, as most things are with the economy the way it is. But how can we complain because we have electricity, clean drinking water, plenty of food, shoes that fit, clean clothes, a comfortable bed to sleep in and our children are in school, and healthy. All of the things we take for granted are a luxury for Maria and her family. So I will not complain that things are tight right now.Below are recent pictures we received of our beautiful Maria Eleana receiving her new shoes and food for her family. She is so precious and look at that beautiful smile.

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