
Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Scramble is on......

We are in the middle of the mad scramble to get things ready for the kids to arrive. Of course we waited until the last minute to get things done. I mean we do have jobs and social events we can’t miss and movies to watch…LOL
And doesn’t everyone keep the top of their unused bunk beds as storage??? I mean its wasted space when the kids are away right!?!??!?
Rob thinks our spare room is his “Man” room when the kids are not visiting, so of course he has to de-funk the room, take out the golf clubs, remove all of his shoes, the spare rooms also becomes Rob’s shoe closet for some reason. We did manage to toss out all the “junk” toys, so the kids have room for more junk, I mean stuff...hee hee
I also managed to clean out the top of my closet to store some things that were currently piled on the top bunk of the bunk beds. Rob put fresh lines on the bunk beds for the kids and fluffed up the pillows.
We or I guess I should say (I) now have the excruciating I mean fun, no it’s excruciating (because I HATE grocery shopping) task of grocery shopping for “kid” food. I have to make a list because we don’t usually keep this kind of food around for obvious reasons. Mac & Cheese, Corn Dogs, Pizza, Chicken Fingers, Pop-Tarts, Fruity Cereal, cookies, and lots of other madness.
We try to offer up the healthy foods first, but you know how that goes. It’s always a hit or miss situation. The little ones are pretty easy but its Ian that is the pickiest eater. I tried to slip in ground turkey into his spaghetti once, but he knew it and said he didn’t like it. We do find ourselves giving into the junk food sometimes because juggling work, 3 kids and company it’s got to be the quick and easy. 10 minutes or less, Rachel Ray’s got nothing on me!!!
Also coming up, is Megan’s birthday so I’ve been planning, at her request, a Hannah Montana Birthday Party!! I’m actually a little ahead of the game on that one so far. Invitations are out, and the party supplies are bought and I just have to order the cake and decide what we’ll be serving for lunch to everyone….I’m thinking lasagna. Don’t laugh!! I know I’ve never made lasagna before but I found a good/easy recipe, and besides it’s really just family and close friends, the best group to try new recipes on right? Who am I kidding, when will I have time to cook? I’m starting to lean towards ordering pizza but last time we did that it cost a fortune, so I’m really going to try to make something instead. We’ll see.
So, the stress continues and we march on, I’ve been scrambling to try and find babysitters for the rest of the summer so we can keep the kids all summer, otherwise they have to go home after three weeks. The first three weeks Rob’s Sister Kate and his Mom, Karen will be here to help us out. But I actually think I have it figured out. After calling on some family and friends, and juggling vacation days, I think we actually have it all worked out and we’ll be able to keep the kids all summer!! Man I am exhausted just thinking about it!! But it'll be really good for Rob and the kids. And the kids will be soooo excited and Ian will get to go see his favorite band with his Dad, and it’ll be his first real rock concert. That will be a memorable experience for both of them because they are both passionate about their music.
Okay, people sorry for the long post. Check back a lot during the summer, I will post about our summer adventures and take lots of pictures……..we’ll have the kids on Sunday!!

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