
Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Crazy Weekend

Saturday night there were 8 kids sleeping at our house (what was I thinking??). Everyone came over for the Premiere of the Hanna Montana Concert in 3D on Disney Channel. The kids had a blast and were very well behaved. They ate pizza and brownies and other junk. And screamed and yelled and danced all around. The lights were out and the music was loud.
We had our three, Ian 14, Nate 10 & Megan 9, then we picked up Jen's (my cousin) 4 kids, Frankie 10, Jessica 8, Carlee 6 and Nick 4. And my good friend and adopted Sister Lisa came over with her daughter Kayla 9, who is also a cousin to Jen's kids. And Aunt Lisa also spent the night to help us keep with riot control.
It started out great, although the boys lost interest after about 10 minutes, but the girls hung in there and it they went crazy when the Jonas Brother came on and the girls even caught the 2nd show at 9:30pm. We started out having all the girls camp out in the living room and the boys in the front room, but somehow by the end of the night it ended up the other way around with boys in the living room and girls in the front room.

Here is the gang (notice the gang signs..LOL) sporting their 3D glasses. Thanks for bringing us the glasses Aunt Lisa!!

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