
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ice Skating......

We took the kids and Rob's nephew Tyler Ice Skating Saturday tonight.
It's pretty funny that Tyler came all the way from Chilly Wisconsin to Sunny Florida to try Ice Skating for the first time. Rob, Tyler & Nathan had the most fun. Ian gave it a far chance but it just wasn't his thing and Miss Megan, well she was the most excited to go, she kept asking us all day, how many hours until we go and once we got there she wouldn't skate no matter how much Rob tried to talk her into it. She put one skate on and said no way. I of course was the photographer, it's been many many years since I've ice skated and it wasn't worth me breaking my butt on the ice. But it was sure fun to watch everyone else fall...LOL
Here are a few pictures, they aren't great because the class is all scratched up that you have to look through.
Here's the Motley Crew...don't they look HAPPY or is that Terrified??
This is how Megan spent the night...eating and watching the boys

Rob & Tyler
Rob & Nate on the ice
The Boys hugged the wall most of the time....
There goes Nathan...
There goes Rob & Tyler

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