
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer update

Well we are in week 6 with the kids, and that means they go home this Saturday, as they start school next week.
Rob is already sad. The last 6 weeks went by so fast, we didn't even get to do all the stuff we planned. Like taking the kids to get professional pictures taken, I still might try to pull that off.
Just when we are starting to get in a routine of sorts, it's over.
I feel bad for Rob and the kids, it's so hard on all of them being apart. But we'll be picking them up again soon and spending a few days in a cabin on Lake Seminole in Georgia and then again around Christmas. And I know there Mom is missing them like crazy and can't wait for them to get home.
Tomorrow night Rob & Ian are going to a Rock concert, which is what they have been looking forward to all summer. They are going to the Mayhem Festival in Palm Beach. Not my kind of music, but they love it. Bands like Slipknot and Disturbed will be there....I know I know, not kid appropriate at all, but that's the music Ian grew up listening to and he's super excited about the concert and we have have black and red spray-in hair color for him. He would never be allowed to go to this concert but Since Rob is taking him it's okay. When I first met Rob I went to a Slipknot concert with him and I have to tell you it was a FREAK SHOW, I may never recover and I was truly amazed at how many young children were there. Ian is almost 15, but no way would we let a 9 or 10 year old go to that type of concert.
Stay tuned for the rest of our summer wrap.....

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