
Friday, August 22, 2008

On his way.......

Rob is in flight, on his way to Chicago. I miss him already.
Rob is the opposite of me, he likes to fly. I get butterfly's just dropping someone off at the airport, even if I'm not flying. I dropped him at 6:30 am and I got to work an hour early. I wasn't sure how early to leave because you never know with the morning traffic.
He had a carry on bag but the plane filled up all the carry on space by the time he got on the plane and they made him in check in his bag. He changes in Charlotte, so hopefully his bag will make it to Chicago too. One more reason flying sucks!!!
And guess what, he forgot the camera. But he claims his cell phone takes just as good pictures, we'll see. So I'm not sure what kind of photos he'll get from the weekend. Stayed tuned....

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