
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So Quite

It's so quite around the house without the kids, we just don't know what to do with ourselves. Actually there is a lot to do but we are just to sad to get started, like cleaning up all the kids stuff and putting away the surf boards and puzzles and remote control boats and coloring books, etc.

Our trip up was pretty good, the kids were very well behaved. It took us almost 10 hours, I guess because of all the potty stops we had to make and we stopped for breakfast and lunch and we had to stop once because Nathan wasn't feeling so good, but once he tossed his cookies, he was fine. To much milk at breakfast I guess.
The kids were happy to see their Mom, Grandparents and cousins and check out their new digs. Their Mom moved them over the summer.

The kids start school tomorrow, so they are getting more sleeping in, they have to catch the bus by 6:25am. poor things.

We'll see the kids again in about 8 weeks for their Fall break. We can't wait!!

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