
Friday, September 5, 2008

Soggy South Florida

Things are looking pretty grim here in Soggy South Florida. Yes, that’s right, soggy, not sunny. This sure has been one wet summer.

I tell ya, I just don’t have the strength for these crazy hurricanes anymore. I have lived here my entire life, born and raised, a true Floridian and never has it been so bad.Is it global warming? Or is it just normal cycles the earth goes through? Whatever it is, it needs to stop already.

The potential for disaster is just overwhelming. We lived through Hurricane Wilma and it was horrible. No electricity for 2 weeks, no work for a week (okay that wasn’t so bad), no gas, nothing, our entire infrastructure was shut down. It took Rob three days to dig his truck out from under giant trees. And that was using his chainsaw; the FPL guys would not help us. They would not hang the power lines until we got the trees out of the way!!!

You really don’t know how good things are until all the stuff you take for granted goes away. We have just finished paying for the repairs from three years ago to our condo. We just can not handle anymore, financially or emotionally.Our first thought is secure our place as best as we can and get out of town, but when do you make that decision, we have jobs and responsibilities and we have family and friends that might need help.

I know I should not complain because those poor people in Haiti, Jamaica, The Bahamas and Baton Rouge are suffering so much from the storms already. It’s just frustrating.

So we continue to pray. Pray with us people!!! I believe in the power of prayer. Pray we are spared this hurricane and pray for all the people already suffering; pray they get the relief they need as quickly as possible.

This is the current path of Hurricane IKE... that Red Arrow is our place...yikes

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