
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cabin Christmas Celebration with the Kids 2008

We had a great time with the kids up at the Cabin on Lake Seminole. It went by way too fast.
We decorated the cabin with a tree and some lights and hung the stockings on the fireplace and tried to make it very festive for the kids.
We had a small problem with the tree this year...normally we bring up a decent size tree for the kids to decorate and this year when I asked Rob to make sure he got the tree and the ornaments from his warehouse, he assured me that he had. Well, we get to the cabin and we are unloading the car so I can decorate and hide the gifts while Rob goes to pick up the kids, and in the back of my car I see this little box that says 24" Fiber Optic Tree, so I ask Rob, Where is the tree and he says it's right there in the back and the only tree I see is this tiny fiber optic tree. I tell him, I hope this isn't what your talking about and he says yes that's it, and I tell him that's not our tree, we have a normal size tree remember? Of course since it's not a tool, a skateboard, a stupid guy movie, a naked woman, a boat, a fishing pole or a CD of some headbanger rock group, it will not stay in Rob's memory bank at all. And he says well I thought that was it because it was right next to the ornaments we bring up, well I think to just moved warehouses, did it not occur to you that maybe you put stuff in the wrong place and were in the heck did this tiny tree come from? Of course he has no we are stuck with this tree, I'll have to make it work. We find out later from Nathan, that Rob's friend Richie put that tree in Rob's warehouse and Rob had no idea but Nathan saw him do it over the summer. Richie had a warehouse right next to Rob's. So the question is, I wonder what else Richie did that Rob has no idea about, like maybe taking the other tree?
I put the tree on the TV stand and it looked perfect and the kids did not mind at all that the tree was so tiny. Actually it was less work than the bigger tree that's for sure.
The first evening was pretty warm but by mid-morning on Sunday we were freezing our buns off, it got down to about 30 degrees and we were so not prepared for that. Since it was so cold and windy we were not able to go out on a boat fishing, instead the boys did a lot pier and bank fishing and we did some sight seeing around the area.
Below are lots of pictures from our trip...and we are missing the kids like crazy already!!

See out tiny tree...isn't' it cute?
The Stockings were hung by the chimney with hopes

That soon St. Nick would be there.....and what do you know, all these presents showed up in the morning.....hmmmmm
Rob opening his present from the kids....Concert tickets to see Disturbed and they also gave him a Bass Pro Gift Card and he was very excited.

Ian checking out his Stocking Stuffers....lots of fishing worms

Still going through their Stockings
It was a Guitar Hero Christmas for sure!!

Ian was digging his Swim Suit Calendar!!
Check out the Guns on Nate in his new muscle Shirt!!
Megan was excited to get an Easy Bake Oven
Nate opening his Erector Set
Ian was loving all of his new clothes

Breakfast Time
Rob cooking us all a yummy breakfast...

Ok, I said yummy not healthy.....It's Christmas!!!
Megan loves her Hanna Montana Book
Look Megan & Nate made a cake in the Easy Bake Oven!!
Our view from our porch

Ian fishing

Our Cabin
When we went sight seeing we kept finding these gorgeous trees....You don't see these kinds of trees in South Florida.

The boys trying out some new fishing spots...I was too cold to get out of the car

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