
Friday, January 2, 2009

A few more pictures from Christmas

My hubby is in bed sick sick sick, poor baby. So I'm catching up on some picture posts. Here are few more random pictures from Christmas Eve & Christmas for my out of town family to see!!!

Aunt Dot full of Holiday Joy
Rob trying not to injure himself on Frankie's Rip Stick
Beau LOVES his new laptop bag Aunt Dot gave him, to go with his new laptop
Billy boy opening some transformers
Nick got a Hockey set for Christmas and they were playing hard
Nick & Carlee

Jen & Frank's Tree
Santa brought Frankie a new gun, so he could hunt Bambi.....WHAT!!!
Nick loves his new lasers
Carlee Rae

Christmas Eve at Mike's House

Cousins & Siblings...Nick, Frankie, Jessica, Kayla & Carlee
Gorgeous Sisters!!!
Jen and her Frankie Boy
Robin & Mike and their babies....their dogs (can't remember their names)
Mike and his Christmas pooch
The dogs were all decked out in their Holiday Frocks

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