
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where is my husband????

I think my husband has been kid napped by my Dad!!!!
Rob's truck broke down over the weekend!!! Which totally sucks because Rob can't work without his truck and if he doesn't work he doesn't get paid. The truck won't be fixed until Monday, to the tune of $500+...PLEAZE!!!! It never ends.
But that's okay for Rob because my Dad, "The Buck" has kid-napped him again today. So much for our plans to get some things done around the house. Dad & Rob are off to Loxahatchee to fish again. Ever since my cousin Frank let Rob keep his boat in his warehouse Rob is always tempted to go fishing and now that my Dad is back up here full-time, he just fuels the fire. I am going to have to talk to Frank, he needs to take his boat back so I can see my husband again on the weekends!!! On second thought, I think I'll just go to the mall and get a pedicure, then I'll come home and cook dinner for the boys.I'm not complaining, I'm very happy to see my Dad as often as I can, however I'm not seeing him as much as my husband is....whatever!!
I did get Rob to take the camera with him, so hopefully they have some pictures of the BIG fish they catch, or not.....stay tuned

Edited: They are back and while they had NO fish with them, they did manage to take a few pictures for me to post.

The beautiful Florida Everglades!!!
It was a beautiful Florida day
There's The Buck
Here they are, my two favorite Men!!
They are two pea's in a pod!!! You gotta love em... I sure do!!

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