
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wedding Day

Today is the Wedding of our friends Mike & Robin!!!
We are so excited for them and can't wait to see them take their vows.

A little history on Mike & Robin: Mike is basically part of my family, as we grew up together and I can't remember when The Moschette's were not part of my life.
Mike's Sister Lisa is my oldest friend and one of my best friends and will always be like a Sister to me!! Mike's brother Frank is married to my cousin Jen, who is also like a sister to me and Frank is like a brother to me. So you see how we are all one big happy family.
Now I am happy that Robin is joining our clan!!! It's been a long road for Mike & Robin but I think they will both agree, it's been worth the journey.

Congratulations Mike & Robin - We Love you guys and wish you lots of Joy, Love and Happiness for the rest of your lives and oh yeah, LOTS OF BABIES too!!

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