
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday ROB!!!!

Yesterday was Rob's Birthday, but we were away, so my post is a day late.

Happy Birthday Babe!!! I Love You!!!

I hope all your Birthdays are as fun as this one was!!!!

We spent the weekend at the Beach. It is close to home but it felt like we were out of town and not really just 30 minutes away. Rob said it was his best Birthday ever!! We spent all day Saturday on the beach, which is so not me, because I don't like to be in the sun, to much damage from the sun as a teenager. But I love the ocean and I love being in it. So lots of sun screen and giant umbrella and I'm good to go. It was gorgeous out, breezy and warm, it was perfect and Rob got to snorkel all day. Then we ended the day with free drinks at the bar in the hotel and a great dinner we got from the hotel restaurant.

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