
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Typical Night at the Miller house........

Everyone gets goofy at dinner.
Here is our version of the "Got Milk" Ads......
Megan trying so hard not to laugh
Ian's Milk Mustache looks funny because he was drinking Orange Juice
Nathan is just to cute!!

Rob couldn't get a milk mustache, well because it doesn't work with BEER!!
So he made his own version....

Megan showing off her new backpack
Thanks Grandma Miller Megan LOVES it!!!
She was hamming it up for us.....doesn't happen often
we had to take advantage... she's also showing off her new necklace
that Grandma Miller sent....

She then had to show us her gymnastic abilities....

I'm not really sure how to explain this one.......Ian sneaking up on Megan
what's going on with her hair??????
Megan never wants to get in the shower....
but the minute you mention bubble bath she's all over it.....
More Megan Cuteness
This is Nate just out of the shower showing off his Sunburn
and his new shirt from Grandma Miller, he loves it!!
The reason he didn't put his pajama's on is because he was getting all spiffed up to go visit the girls down stairs....we think he even had cologne on.....hee hee
Handsome Devil....I was only allowed two pictures before he took off

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