
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rob & Dad "The Buck" in the Keys......

Once again I was left home alone, while the boys went off to the Keys for some fishing. I could have gone, but I wasn't feeling great and they probably had more fun without me because when I go, I am the one who catches the most fish!! This time Dad caught the most but Rob caught the biggest.

Here's great Rainbow shot he cool
Open Water
Can you see the rain coming...
Dad preparing the boat....
Heading out
Heading home....look to the left you can see the 7 mile bridge.
Dad & Todd looking for the Fishing Spot
Just about there....
Rob taking photos of himself....LOL
This is to show you all the Freakishness (is that word) that is the keys
You'll see some crazy stuff down there.
A Pink Golf Cart...yeah your in the Keys...
Pulling up to Todd's Tiki
When the boys weren't fishing they were hanging in Todd's backyard in his Tiki, grilling out and drinking of course!!
Cool shot of the fishing Rod & Reel
Rob with the big Hog Fish he caught.
Hog Fish taste really good...will be eating it this weekend
The rest of the catch...lots of Snapper
Can anyone say......Fish Fry!!!

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