
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving Morning Sunrise

Rob & Billy waiting for their Breakfast

Dad carving the Bird!!

The Feast - It was yummy

Our View to the South

Our View looking straight out

You can see the wind frost coming off the waves

New Symrna Beach, FL 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas Came Early for Rob

Rob got an early Christmas present last night.
He was very excited!!!
 I had listen to all the things he could do with this tool....

The picture below is very foggy, sorry it's from my junky cell phone.

Thanks Mom & Dad Miller!!
We Love You!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wishing all of our Family & Friends 
A Very Happy Thanksgiving
We are Thankful for each and every one of you!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lyla Turns One!!

Our good friends Lauren & Jamie's baby girl, Lyla Rose, is Turning One tomorrow. We celebrated her birthday over the weekend. Here's a few pictures.
Lyla's Princess Cake

Lyla's Cake - just for her!!

Lyla waiting for her cake!!!

Lyla looking at her silly brother Joey - He's so happy!!

Lyla - not sure what to do with her cake

So her Daddy helps dig in...

Now she gets it....

Yummy this is good stuff!!

Joey and his buddy waiting for cute

Hanging at the play ground

Baby Gia - came to the Party

Baby Gia is only 7 weeks old - she's a little cutie!!

Thanks for inviting us to your Party Lyla!!
Happy Birthday Lyla Rose!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

We will be spending our Thanksgiving here this year!!!

We'll be spending our Thanksgiving with my Dad "The Buck", My Sister Gina, her husband Chad and my nephew Billy this on the Beach in New Symrna. Here's a sneak peek at our condo, that our friends hooked us up with. It pays to know the right people!!!
The Dinning/Living Areas

Liviving Area

The very White Kitchen

The cute guest room

The Master Bedroom

Best of All......The VIEW from our little condo!!

Thankgiving Florida Style

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Blind Side

I can not wait to see this movie!!!
I love Sandra Bullock and as a Bonus hunky Tim McGraw is in it!!!

And its a True Story - I Love watching True Stories!!!
Opens in  Theaters Tomorrow!!!!

Update: We saw this movie Saturday Night - It was GREAT, it's a "Feel Good" Movie, we loved it, even Rob loved it. I think it was Sandra Bullocks best movie so far!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's almost Thanksgiving, can't believe it. It seems there is something going on every weekend from now until the end of the year!! This weekend we have a birthday party for our friends little girl; Lyla Roberts turns 1!! Then the following weekend is Thanksgiving weekend, and My Sisters birthday is on Thanksgiving this year!! We'll spending Thanksgiving with her this year. I am so looking forward to a few days off!!
I am trying to be proactive this year and getting things done early, I even have our Christmas cards printed and ready to go!! (I know, I'm a nerd). Now all we need is some COLD weather and then it'll feel like the Holiday Season.

Below is a picture of our adorabe Niece Gracie from Illinois on the ICE at Blake's Hockey game. Isn't she the cutest!!

We can't wait to see you in December Gracie!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Can't Catch a Break!!!

What is going on with the Universe!! It seems our family just can't catch a break. For everything good that happens lately it seems something horrible happens as well. What is up with that!!

Finally  my Dad is starting feel better and get back to his normal self and I can start to relax a bit and not worry so much about him and then this happens.

This week my Sister who lives with her Husband and young son in Central Florida had a burglary at their home. It happened during the day while everyone was at work, which I guess is a blessing because no one was harmed. But everything valuable that they own was taken, plus sentimental items, including years of photos, that stuff you just can't get back.

It just sickens me how people in this world think they can just help themselves to people's privacy like that. What kind of twisted monsters walk this earth? It sickens me and scares me. I try to see the Good in people but this makes it hard for me to Keep the Faith!!

Please keep my Sister and her family in your Prayers and hope they can feel safe in their home again soon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grease off Broadway

This Saturday I am going to see Grease The Musical in Palm Beach with my friend Vicky. Starring Taylor Hicks from American Idol (my friend Vicky is Taylor Hick's Biggest Fan!!!)

I can't wait, I haven't been to the Theater in forever!!!

Xmas Gift Idea for all the Bakers in your life

Isn't this the cutest Oreo Cake!!!
I love it, and lets face it, frosting an entire cake is the pits, but hey if I only have to frost the middle of the cake I'm am loving that!!

It is from William Sonoma...and I think Everyone needs a little William Sonoma in thier lives...don't you.
If you want to purchase this cool awesome pan click here:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rob's Wish List for Santa

This year will be a year when we buy for the Kids only since everyone is so broke this year. Well I told Rob I didn't need anything anyway, so no big deal for me. I am happy just seeing all the kids open their goodies. But ROB did drag me to the local WoodCraft store.
Because apparently his Wish list has something he needs. It's called a Kreg Jig, whatever that it is. He did explain to me, in great detail, (snooze snooze) what it actually does but I really have no idea what it is, I did see his lips moving and he was pointing and so serious but I dont' know, I think it makes some type of holes in wood. I can't get excited over it I don't think it even turns on at all and look at it, it's not pink or sparkly, it just a tool!! But apparently he's very excited about it. I asked him if he needs this to build my book shelves and he tried to say yes, but then I reminded him of all the other things he's built without it, so he just had to smile and stop talking.

So Dear Santa - If you happen to be passing by Cypress Bend this Christmas and you have an extra Kreg Jig in your bag, Robby's been a pretty good boy this year!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bedroom Make Over - Update

Our bedroom is still a work in progress
 but we DID find some art work to go over our bed.
They appear to be small in the picture but they are not , they are pretty good size for the wall even though it doesn't really look like it in this picture. We Just Love Them.....
You gotta LOVE Bealls Outlet People!!!

Don't look at the messy made bed...

Here's a veiw of the other wall....It's getting there

What do you think so far?
Rob is THREATING to build me a nice white book shelf but APPARENTLY he has to get his shop ready to start building, whatever that means, but he's been getting it READY for weeks now. It if takes as long to build the shelf as it does to prepare to build it, then I"m guessing it'll be my Birthday present in March!!

Picture Post from Nick's Birthday Party

This is Nick getting ready to blow his candles on his
Star Wars Cake that his Grandma (My Aunt Dot) made him.
Aunt Dot ALWAYS makes sure we have a special cake!!

Here's Nick enjoying his cake

Nick showing us his Star Wars figures he took off his cake

Showing us his presents....

Nick and his BFF Gavin!! They are best Buds

Nick Listening to Heather read the card she made for him

Nick showing off one of his MANY cool gifts he got

We Hope you had a GREAT Birthday Nick!!
We Love You!!!

Happy Birthday Shalon

Today is my cousin Shalon's Birthday.
We sure wish we could be with you in Arizona on your birthday Shalon!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Miss & We Love You!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!

Big Nick Turns 6 years old Today!!!.

I found this cool Power Rangers Birthday Care for you Nick!!

Happy Birthday Nick - We hope all your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Very Own - GI Joe

Our Ian is in R.O.T.C. this year and he LOVES it.
He got his uniform this week.
Sorry the picture is so foggy but it's from Ian's cell phone.

We are VERY Proud of you Ian!!!
We Love You!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It is The Season for Sharing

Most of you know that I have a soft spot for Guatamala thanks to my friend Kelly who opened up my eyes to the poverty that so many children live in down there.  Kelly's beautiful daughter Caylie is from Gutamala (you can see this beauty at her blog. & we also sponsor a child in Gutamala so she can attend school. We do this through a Non Profit Agency called Mayan Families and for the past couple of years they started a program called Holiday Tamale Baskets. This is just one program they do among many for the needy children and families in Gutamala.
For $35 you can give a Christmas Tamale Basket and feed a family of 12 or more. The Christmas basket is made of plastic and will be used afterwards by the family to stack and wash dishes, hold food etc. The food items will include: Oil, 15 lbs of Rice to make the tamales, a block of drinking chocolate (this is traditional to drink at midnight), a loaf of bread with which they eat the tamales at midnight, raisins for the tamales, grapes, apples, sugar for the Tamales, 5lbs of meat, tomatoes, one pound of coffee and leaves to wrap the tamales.

Can you believe that $35 can feed a family of 12 or more? Rob & I can't even go out to dinner without spending that much for two of us.
Do we all struggle to survive these days, YES we do, and yes money is tight for most people right now, yes it sure is for us, but what we've had to give up is our extravagances, we are so privlidged to live in this country that we take for granted so much. We feel angry this Holiday season because we can't give our kids a $100 video game this year or a $80 pair of shoes, Wow, what is that about. We are guilty of it. We don't want to buy shoes from Walmart because someone might know they are not from Macys or a designer name. Really!! does having all the stuff really improve the quality of our lives.
I think if I can spend $35 to feed a family of 12 then I will feel even better than I would if I was walking around with Gucci shoes on. I can certainly live simply so others can simply live. $35 is a pedicure. I will paint my own toes so I can give a need family a Healthy Christmas Meal.

To make a contribution for the Christmas Tamale baskets please go to the website
and go the General Donation section to send a donation. If you would like to nominate a special family or a sponsored student to receive your basket please send us their name or student number by e-mail to
If you would like to pay by check please send your donation made out to Mayan Families to:
Mayan Families
P.O. Box 52
Claremont, N.C. 28610

If you would like to give this gift in Honor of someone special, please send us an email at  giving us the details and we will put them on our IN HONOR OF web page.....if you would like to include a photo of your "someone special" we will also post their have an e-mail sent to the person you are honoring - please send us their email address.

Thank you for your support.
Best wishes,
Sharon Smart-Poage
Tel: 619-550-2608

This is the season for giving. We also donate to local charities for the needy children in this country as well. I am fortunate enough to work for a company that affords us the opportunities to give back to our community. Today we all wore jeans for $5 each, that collects a lot of money for our local community charities. And we are currently collecting food for our local food bank and between now and the end of the year we'll have many fund raisers and opportunities to help the children in our own comminuties as well. My favorite local charity is Kids In Distress, they do so much for the needy children in our comminuty.
So I challenge you this year, give back. Instead of going crazy buying expensive gifts for everyone on your Christmas list dontate in thier honor. The reward you get back is priceless.
Wishing Everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!!