
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's almost Thanksgiving, can't believe it. It seems there is something going on every weekend from now until the end of the year!! This weekend we have a birthday party for our friends little girl; Lyla Roberts turns 1!! Then the following weekend is Thanksgiving weekend, and My Sisters birthday is on Thanksgiving this year!! We'll spending Thanksgiving with her this year. I am so looking forward to a few days off!!
I am trying to be proactive this year and getting things done early, I even have our Christmas cards printed and ready to go!! (I know, I'm a nerd). Now all we need is some COLD weather and then it'll feel like the Holiday Season.

Below is a picture of our adorabe Niece Gracie from Illinois on the ICE at Blake's Hockey game. Isn't she the cutest!!

We can't wait to see you in December Gracie!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how fast the year goes past...

    Hunk and I celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving day/your sisters birthday!

    I have 90% of my Christmas shopping done, was feeling good about it and you just reminded me I don't have my cards done yet!

    Thanks!!!! I better get on that now....
