
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Xmas Tree Oh Xmas Tree....

Well the tree is up...... and for the first time since I think I was in my early 20's we got a real tree!!! And I have to say, next year it'll be a fake tree again.
This tree smelled good in my Highlander when we brought it home but once we got it home, we couldn't smell a thing, so much for the pine smell because there isnt' one. We did however get sap all over our hands and pine needles every where!!! So as soon as Xmas is over I will be in line for the after holiday sales and buy a discounted fake tree for next year.
The tree is small and cute plus we only paid $20, gotta love Walmart. This year I did not drag out my usual ornmaments that I've had since forever, instead I used new ornaments that I bought last year after xmas on clearance. They are kind of funky but fun. I never do a theme tree, thats my Sisters style and my Mom used to do the best theme trees!!! I am missing my Mom like crazy this time of year. Especially when I'm Christmas shopping. Mom was always a little cranky this time of year but she loved Christmas and all the decorating much more than I do. So this year I am trying to be more in the spirit for her.

Ok - Here it is......don't mind the fact that we have it sitting on a cooler
I wanted it to be taller. Isn't it cute.....

Just about done decorating...

Finished Product....what do you think? Pretty funky huh.

The Decorations
Check out the little disco balls

Check out the funky Giant Snow Flakes

The Rob & Pattie Ornament

Of course it would not be MY tree without at least one Angel

And Rob's Fishing Bear Ornament

We Love our Little Tree

Here's one of my Snowmen - Snowmen are my favorite!!

My Special Village
My Mom collected the Department 56 Village for years and has a huge collection that my Sister now has. I picked out two of my favorite pieces (The Candy Stores) and my Mom's BFF Debbie made this for me.

Some close ups of the village basket...The basket lights up

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your tree! Thanks for commenting on my Christmas post!

    Your disco ball ornaments are great!

    And OF COURSE I love your snowman!
