
Sunday, February 28, 2010

We Finally Get to Meet Baby Blake

We finally got to meet Baby Blake this weekend and he sooooooo cute!!
We all had so much fun with him and Blake got lots of attention.
Blake got to stay with his Great Grandma while his Mommy and I did some shopping
 (its the first time they left Blake since he was born) but he was in good hands!!
Plus Grandma had lots of helpers (Jessica, Carlee & Nick) and Grandpa too!!
And Blakes Daddy got to do some Mountian Biking with Rob!!
It was a GREAT Weekend full of Fun & LOVE!!

Blake just looking at all the kids
Uncle Lenny (Blakes Great Grandpa) holding him
Jessica & Blake
Carlee & Jess with Blake
Frankie even had fun loving on Baby Blake
Blake at his first Softball Game
Blakes Mommy & Daddy (Tiffany and Steve) got a special gift from Jessica
Congratulations Steve & Tiffany on your little Man!!!
Thanks for spending the weekend down here and we can't wait to see you all again soon!!
We Love You!!!

Big Nick's First Softball Game

Our Cutie Pie Cousin Nicholas is following in his Daddy and
Big Brothers footsteps and becoming a Baseball Star!!
Here are a few Pictures from Nicks first Game
(and his Special Day as he puts it)

Nick sporting his new baseball cap the night before for the big game
Nick Plays Left Field
Nick at Bat

Good Job Nick!!
Nick after the Game - They Won 4-2!!
Nick with Baby Blake after the game
Congratulations Nicholas!!
We are So Pround of You!!
We Love You!!

Happy Birthday Carlee Rae

Happy Birthday Carlee!!!
Saturday the Gorgeous Miss Carlee Turned 8!!!
We got to Celebrate with her Friday & Saturday night!!

Here's the Birthday  Girl

Birthday Cake #1

Making a Wish!!
Excited to Open her gifts!!!
She gots lots of Fun Gifts
Carlee always reads all her cards...
She was so excited to get lots of American Doll Accessories
Including a Wheel Chair...
Some Cute Clothes
Carlee with One of her Dolls in the wheel chair and notice the purple cast on the dolls leg....
Birthday Cake #2
Blowing Out the Candles
Happy Birthday Carlee Rae!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!!
We Love You!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weekend Plans

We are so excited because this weekend we finally get to meet baby Blake!!
 Look how big he is already!!
We can not wait to kiss and hug on this cutie pie!!
I promise to take lots of Pictures too!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Early Birthday Present

There was something waiting at the door when I got home today!!!

Since I got home before Rob, I got to see it!!!
So I get an early birthday present!!!
Lucky Me!! Although Rob is as excited as me...LOL
Thanks Babe!! I can't wait to play!!
The Mario Brothers Olympic Games came with so we'll be doing some cross country skiing tonight...Rob is already hooking it up on the surround sound, oh brother here we go....
I am wondering how he could afford such a pricey gift....
Thank goodness for QVC Easy Pay Baby!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I LOVE Pasta, and I could eat it everyday. In my quest to eat healthier I've tried whole wheat pasta and it's okay but it's just NOT the same.
This Weekend I am going to try Spaghetti Squash. I've been hearing about it for awhile and today I saw this post on Tasty Kitchen How-to-bake-spaghetti-squash

Doesn't it look good??
Wish Me Luck!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Frankie!!

Today our Cousin Frankie Turns 12!!
Happy Birthday Frankie!!

Frankie is an Amazing Athlete and Excells in Baseball
We hope you like this Baseball Cake Frankie!!
Frankie is at Sea Camp in the Keys this week.
We hope you have a GREAT Birthday and look forward to celebrating with you when  you get back!!
Happy 12th Birthday Frankie!!
We Love You!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

Today is Rob's Sister (My Sister-In-Law)'s Birthday

Happy Birthday Beautiful Jennifer!!!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Kylie!!

Today is our Beautiful Sweet Little Niece's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Kylie!!

Happy Birthday Kylie!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Miss You So Much!!
We Love You!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

Wishing All of Our
 Family and Friends
A Very Happpy Valentines Day!!

My Valentine Always Makes me Feel Special!!
I am so Lucky to Have Such a LOVING Husband!!!
Thank You Baby for ALL My Valentines Goodies!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Jennifer - Updated

Today is my Beautiful Cousin Jen's birthday!!
Hapy Birthday Jennifer!!
I baked you this cake for your birthday...Hope you like it!!
Oh and I had a shirt made just for your birthday!!!
Okay so maybe I didn't bake you a cake or have a shirt made,
but I would if I could!!!

We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True and this is your Best Year Yet!!
Happy Birthday!!
We Love You!!!!

Hours Later: Birthday Update:
Here are the pictures from Jen's Birthday Party
Jen's Real Cake...Chocolate Overload (made by Jen's friend Lisa W.)
and apparently Candle Overload too!! How old are you Jen????
 Oh yeah, much younger than me!!
Blowing out the candles...
Jen's can't tell but this is Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Ice Cream, Strawberries, Whip Crean and that's a Chocolate Covered Strawberry on Top!! Yum
The Gifts.....
One of Jen's Gorgeous Baby Girls... Jessica
Jen's other Gorgeous Baby Girl...Carlee
One of Jen's Gorgeous Baby Boys.....Nick enjoying the Strawberries
Jen showing us her magazine that says I still Love Jen (From Brad Pitt)
Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!
We Love You!!