
Sunday, February 28, 2010

We Finally Get to Meet Baby Blake

We finally got to meet Baby Blake this weekend and he sooooooo cute!!
We all had so much fun with him and Blake got lots of attention.
Blake got to stay with his Great Grandma while his Mommy and I did some shopping
 (its the first time they left Blake since he was born) but he was in good hands!!
Plus Grandma had lots of helpers (Jessica, Carlee & Nick) and Grandpa too!!
And Blakes Daddy got to do some Mountian Biking with Rob!!
It was a GREAT Weekend full of Fun & LOVE!!

Blake just looking at all the kids
Uncle Lenny (Blakes Great Grandpa) holding him
Jessica & Blake
Carlee & Jess with Blake
Frankie even had fun loving on Baby Blake
Blake at his first Softball Game
Blakes Mommy & Daddy (Tiffany and Steve) got a special gift from Jessica
Congratulations Steve & Tiffany on your little Man!!!
Thanks for spending the weekend down here and we can't wait to see you all again soon!!
We Love You!!!

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