
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Over the weekend Rob & I helped a friend out who is an Airbrush Artist. He was hired to airbrush 60 sweatshirts for a Bar Mitzvah. It was crazy!! We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.
First we had to pick up the Air Brush guy (Malcolm) as his car is in the shop. We could barely fit all of his stuff in my Highlander!! Who knew you needed so much stuff.
Once we got to the Marriott (30 minutes late) never fails, its just part of our DNA I think. Anyway, we had to unload and set up, which took a little time and once the kids saw what we were there for, they swarmed us like flies
My job was to write the kids names down, and what color they wanted on a sticky and put it on each Sweat Shirt. Each kid was allowed one name, and one color, you'd think that would be easy but apparently when your 12 or 13 years old, you have many many other ideas!!
It took forever just to get the kids to order their shirts, and don't even think you'll get them to line up in an orderly fashion,apparently that was not an option either..LOL
Once we got all the names done and attached to the shirts, we had to put each shirt over a board, pull it tight with clips so Malcolm could decorate it. Once he was done painting Rob's job was to quickly dry the shirt with a hot hair gun, similar to a blow dryer. Then put the shirts in box until they were all done. Once the shirts were done we laid them all out and let the kids take their sweatshirts. Doesn't sound so bad does it, well it was crazy, my feet were killing me (I wore heels) and Rob had the busiest day ever at work earlier that day, so he was exhausted and at one point I lost my cheaters (reading glasses) for a little while, but Rob found them in one of the bags of shirts...then once the shirts were done, which by the way took a good 4 hours of non-stop painting. I don't know how he could sit there that long and not have a back ache, but he did not complain once. I guess he's a professional...okay whatever.
The shirts came out great!!! And the kids loved them. They were a great party favor. It was lots of fun and exhausting.
Malcolm is also a body paint artist and wins the bodypainting contest in Key West at Fantasy Fest every year. He's already asked Rob & I to help out again this weekend at a tattoo convention, but Rob has as fishing tournament and I don't think I want to go without him!!

Here are a few pictures from our little adventure......most of them are dark and blurry sorry

Look at all the kids..
I think every girl had a micro mini skirt was a site
Getting ready to pass out the shirts....
The end of the night and we are TIRED
The shirts looked like this...
This shirt was at the request of the Kids Father...LOL
Airbrush Event - Heron Bay Marriott
February 2010

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