
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday NATHAN!!

Our Nathan Turns 12 Today!!!
Happy Birthday our Sweet Boy!!!
We are So Proud of You....You have such a big Heart!!
We Miss You Like Crazy and We can't Wait to see you!!
We'll see you soon and we'll have a BIG Party for you!!
Happy Birthday Nathan!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Catch of The Day

It was a nice day to spend in the Everglades!!! At least for Rob & Dad anyway. Rob was up at 4:00 am getting ready to meet Dad so they could be on the water when the sun came up.
Here's a few pictures from thier day.. These are from Rob's cell so the quality isn't so great.

Dad with the First Bass
Another One
This was their lunch...grilling burgers right on the boat!!
Leave it to men to figure out how to grill and fish at the same time.

This one is funny..if you look in the mouth of this fish
you can see Rob's bait hanging out of his mouth that got stolen from Rob
and then Dad caught the fish later....LOL
These were the keepers.....
Not sure who caught what but you can bet when there
is a Hightower in the boat...they catch the Most!!!
The Fillet Master at Work....Fish Fry anyone
The Boys Had a Fun Day!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Kelly

Today is one of my Oldest & Dearest BFF's Birthday and by oldest,
I don't mean that she is old, I mean we've been friend since the 5th grade!!!
Happy Birthday My Friend!!

This is the Birthday Girl with her Sweetie Hans!!
Happy Birthday Kelly!!
May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday CHAD!!

Happy Birthday to my Brother-In-Law CHAD!!!
We hope you have the BEST Birthday Ever
and May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!

This is Chad back in the Day....
He's the Cute One in the Middle!!
Happy Birthday Chad!!!
We Miss You & We Love You!!

Recipe Break

Not to much going right now....a few more birthday's coming up. In the meantime here's a few recipes... I love to make Chicken Marsala. Check out this quick and easy recipe. Its quick and its tasty and it's pretty healthy.
Doesn't this look Good!!
Chicken Marsala Recipe

2 skinless, boneless, chicken breasts
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup all purpose flour or corn starch for gluten-free
up to 1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil
8 ounces container of mushroom, sliced and cleaned
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup sweet Marsala wine
1/4 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup sherry or dry white wine
Optional: 2 tablespoons heavy cream (I like to use it)
Garnish with chopped parsley or oregano

Split each chicken breast through the middle to make 2 pieces. Place plastic wrap over them and pound each one flat using a meat tenderizer/mallet until they are about a quarter inch thick. Season a good amount of salt and pepper on both sides of each piece. Place some flour on a plate and and dredge each piece of chicken in it.
Heat the oil over medium-high heat and when the oil is hot fry each piece of chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side until they are golden brown (this may require you to do this in 2 batches). Remove chicken and place them on your serving platter covering them with foil.

Reduce the heat to medium and add butter and mushrooms. Saute mushrooms for 4-5 minutes making sure to season them with salt and pepper lightly. Add marsala wine, sherry, cream, and chicken stock allowing the liquid to reduce slightly – approx. 3 minutes. Pour mushrooms and sauce over chicken and serve. Enjoy!!

I always serve this over Pasta, either Linquini or Angel Hair.

And for Dessert.....How about something  low calorie... Banana Chocolate Parfait

Make in individual glasses so you can't take to much!!


3 medium bananas, sliced
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cups cold fat-free milk
1 package (1.4 ounces) sugar-free instant chocolate pudding mix
1 cup (8 ounces) reduced-fat sour cream
1-1/2 cups reduced-fat whipped topping
8 chocolate wafers, crushed


In a small bowl, combine bananas and lemon juice; let stand for 5 minutes. In another bowl, whisk the milk and pudding mix for 2 minutes. Refrigerate for 5 minutes. Stir in sour cream.

Drain bananas. Place half of the banana slices in eight parfait glasses; layer with pudding mixture, whipped topping, chocolate wafer crumbs and remaining banana slices. Refrigerate until serving. Yield: 8 servings.
1 Parfait is 183 Calories!!!
recipe courtesy of: Taste of Home

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Gingerbread!!

It's My Special Aunt Gingers Birthday on Sunday (tomorrow). We sure do wish we could be with her to celebrate her Birthday!!!!! We are thinking about you Aunt Ginger and Wishing You the BEST Birthday  Ever!!! And May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!!

In Honor of your Birthday.....All The Gingerbreads in the world are out celebrating your Birthday, really, Check it out!!........

 Happy Birthday from The School Teacher Gingerbread
Happy Birthday from the BEACH Bum Gingerbread!!!
Happy Birthday from the Office Worker Gingerbread

Oh You Shouldn't have....glad you did!!
This Gingerbread put  on his
Top Hat & Bow Tie just for you Aunt Ginger!!

The Big Red Birthday Bow Gingerbread!!
The Baker Gingerbread...baking some cookies for your birthday!!!

Oh Lordy, look out...these are the LUSH Gingerbreads!!!
They really know how to celebrate your Birthday for sure!!
Dancing Gingerbread just for your Birhtday

Everybody is trying to get in Shape These Days.
Happy Birthday from the Gingerbread Yogo Class!!
Don' t Cha just love the Downward Dog Pose!!
Hope you Enjoyed all The Gingerbread Wishes!!
Gotta go take a Spin in my New Ride!!
Happy Birthday
Our Special Aunt Ginger!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Happy St. Patricks Day!!
Stay Safe if you are out drinking that Green Beer today!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary Ross & Marcia!!!

Today is Rob's Parents 25th Wedding Anniversary
Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

Here's to the Next 25.. May they be full of Love, Laughter, and Joy

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Birthday Weekend Pictures

This was a FUN Birthday weekend!! My Birthday started off with a call FIRST Thing in the morning from my Very Special In-Laws Marcia and Ross!! They made feel very special.
Then My Handsome Step Son Ian called me and talked to me all the way to work!! He just made my Day!! I had a GREAT Day at Work on My Birthday because my Co-Workers took good care of me!! Decorated My Cube, had bagels and donuts, cards and gifts,Thanks Sonia for the Bundt Pan!!! and the Candle!! And they had a very yummy cheesecake for me!!
Then My Beautiful Sister-In-Law Jenny and my Cutie Pie Niece Kylie called to Wish me a Happy Birthday!!
Then my Special Cousins The Moschette's called to Wish Me Happy Birthday all 6 of them!! My  Special Cousin Len & Bernie called Me, My Gorgeous Cousin Tiffany called me. My Nephew Blake sent me a text!! Flowers from my Sweet Sister were waiting for me when I got home!!! Then to end my day I got to talk to My Special Tanya & Gracie!! Plus I got all kinds of emails and Facebook notes from all my family and friends. It was a GREAT Birthday!!!
Then on Saturday night we had a GREAT Dinner at Benihanna's with our friends. The food was so good and the drinks were great!! Then on Sunday we had the family over for Brunch My Special Aunt Dot made Biscuits and Gravy for everyone!! It was the BEST Birthday!!

My Sister sent me some Beautiful Flowers
My Friend Sonia brought me these beautiful Daisies
They had a yummy Cheesecake at work that had this choclate disc on it

Our Fun Night at Benihana's!!
Starring for One Night Only.....
Suzie & Jon
Kelly & Hans
Dana & Miles
The Millers....(I hate close ups!!) But look how cute My Rob is!!
Our Hibatchi Chef......
Shrimp Appetizers
Look at this Onion  Volcano!!!
Hans teaching Dana & Miles how to use Chop Sticks!!
Personally I can't be bothered with all that, just give me a fork!!
Rob pretending to be the Chef!!
He wasn't allowed to touch the Knives
Ok he was allowed to use Chops Stick but
only with the wrapper on them!!
They Sang Happy Birthday in Japense
Part of our Group....we are missing Kelly & Hans
they had to leave early (we missed them)
After to much fried Rice, Beer, Wine and Benihana Punch!!
It was time for some Wii Dancing Fun and more Beer
I like to Move it Move it!!
Shake Your Grove Thing Ya Ya Ya
Sunday Morning Brunch and a Birthday Apple Pie
(notice what we recycled!! hee hee)
My Precious Cousin Jessica was trying the Dance Wii
 She was doing great!! Miss Carlee did a great job too but I didn't get a picture
It was Fun Weekend!!
Thanks Everyone!!!
I am So Blessed to have Such An Amazing Loving Family
 and Amazing Life Long Friends!!!
I Love You Guys!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

How is it Possible I could be this old........

Thank You to All My Family & Friends for all the
Birthday Wishes and Making Me Feel Extra Special!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This is what Rob & I both feel like this Week.....Rob's had bad allergy problems all week and then I woke up yesterday with a bad sore throat and it just went down hill from there. I hope to be feeling better by Saturday for our big night out with our friends!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

So Cool

I've heard about the Kindle (See it Here) but didn't really think much of it, but a friend had one at work and its so cool!! I must add this to my wish list. I'm sure most of the world is already aware of them but I'm usually late to the party!! So I am excited about it a little late. You can down load books through Wi-Fi, how cool is that!!! and read them right on the device, making the font as large as you need it and you can even have the book read to you!! I love it!!
I will start saving half the money I save from using coupons for groceries to buy myself this cool item, it is expensive and its totally unnecessary and I've lived without it until now, so I will not buy this unless I can find extra money and since I'm paying attention to the grocery shopping, I hope to have enough saved in a about three or four months. This will be hard for me because ya know I'm all about instant gratification!!! LOL

But this will be a fun little challenge for me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend of dinners and Big Savings

Last night we had a great dinner with our friends Terry and her boyfriend Mike. They grilled Flank Steak on the Grill and made some home made cheesecake!! It was yummy and we got to catch up as we haven't seen them in awhile. It was fun, Thanks Terry & Mike.
Tonight we had a great dinner out with my Dad, we were celebrating the fact that some medical tests he had were all negative. YEAH!!! He took us out for a Steak Dinner!! Thanks Dad.

If you know me, then you might already know that I HATE grocery shopping!! I hate everything about it, and mostly I hate spending so much money on what feels like nothing. Well this weekend I was actually excited about grocery shopping. Here's why...I saved $90.60!!! Between Publix, Winn Dixie and Walgreens I spent $124.77 total and saved in Coupons and BOGO/Sale offers $90.60.

Publix - spent $52.06 saved $43.86
Winn Dixie - spent 25.97 saved $13.67
Walgreens - spent$46.74 and saved $33.07

Luckily for me my Publix & Winn Dixie are about 2 minutes from each other and the reason I went to both is because they had different BOGO offers. Then the next day Walgreens had some great deals and I had lots of coupons to go with the sale items.

One of my co-workers is a serious Coupon queen and knows all the tricks, and she held a lunch meeting with anyone who was interested in her tips on saving money. Well I went to listen and I used all her tips and advice on saving money and it really is true!! It does take a little research and thought but so worth it. I saved $90 and the best part is I am stocked up and lots of items so I won't have to buy a lot of stuff for awhile.
I can hardly wait until next week!!

If you shop at Publix or Target or Food Lion or really any place, check out this website for great savings tips and ideas and current ads. Click Here It helped me a lot!!

We have a big night out planned for next weekend (Birthday dinner at Benihanna's) so stay tuned and I promsie to have pictures!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So Proud of My Sister

To My Sister for losing 8lbs on her fist week at Weight Watchers!!!
Way to Go Gina!!! GREAT Job!! Awesome!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Lenny

Today is my Cousin Lenny's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Lenny!!!

We hope all Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You!!