
Monday, March 8, 2010

So Cool

I've heard about the Kindle (See it Here) but didn't really think much of it, but a friend had one at work and its so cool!! I must add this to my wish list. I'm sure most of the world is already aware of them but I'm usually late to the party!! So I am excited about it a little late. You can down load books through Wi-Fi, how cool is that!!! and read them right on the device, making the font as large as you need it and you can even have the book read to you!! I love it!!
I will start saving half the money I save from using coupons for groceries to buy myself this cool item, it is expensive and its totally unnecessary and I've lived without it until now, so I will not buy this unless I can find extra money and since I'm paying attention to the grocery shopping, I hope to have enough saved in a about three or four months. This will be hard for me because ya know I'm all about instant gratification!!! LOL

But this will be a fun little challenge for me.

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