
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

We hope everyone had a GREAT's a picture post of our Easter.........
First it started out same as last Sunday, Rob & Dad getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing......back to the Everglades they went....and they had another great fishing day, caught lots but only kept a few this time.

Dad with a good catch
Rob showing off his catch
getting ready to clean them

I had a Bundt Cake Recipe I've been wanting to try....
Here's the bundt cake... it came right out of the pan
let's try frosting it now....wish me luck
After the frosting and a few Easter decorations
What do you think? It came out okay and it tasted GREAT!!
I will post the recipe later.

Then off to dinner at Aunt Dots & Uncle Lennys house
The boys had fun with their Fart putty I gave them...
especially Nick
Little Blake was there too...he's getting so big
Blake snuggling on my sweet.. I could just keep him.
Carlee holding Nick
Carlee & Nick said the Blessing...(Nick is hiding under the table)
After dinner Jess, Frankie & Carlee showed us how to make
Reserection Rolls....symbolizing Christ rising from the tomb
As they explained...
You take a marshmellow representing the body of Christ,
dip in melted buttered representing the oil,
then roll it in sugar & cinnamon representing the Mer
and then you roll in a cresent roll, representing the tomb.
 You cook the rolls and when they are done, the marshallow is gone,
no longer inside representing christ rising from the tomb.
Here they are making the rolls..
Here's Carlee with her Tomb ready to get cooked.
We had a GREAT Easter with our Family!!
We hope you all did you to!!

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