
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break 2010 ....Update

We are having loads of's a recap of our adventures so far....
Saturday we arrived home and Nate had his first explosion with a black light...(didn't take him long)

Sunday was Nate's party....we had lots of fun. (see previous post)
Monday Megan and I spent the day shopping and then we met the boys for lunch, then more shopping for Megan and I while the boys went to the warehouse and did their guy stuff!! And Nathan's Machine Shop was back in business...

Then it finally stopped raining long enough to go swimming, so we all went down to the pool before dinner. Then it was another night of Wii dancing fun.

Yesterday Rob finished work early so we all got to take out the little boat and go to the Lighthouse Beach. It was a GREAT Day, not to hot, a little breezy and not crowded at all. We grilled out, hunted for sea shells, swam and worked on our tans!! See the pictures below from our fun day!!

Waiting at the dock for Rob to pick Megan & I up in the boat. He puts the boat in at the boat ramp that takes about 15 minutes by boat to get to the bridge park where Megan and I were waiting for the boys. The less time in that tiny boat in the ocean, the better for me. It's a tiny boat, I'm just saying!!! But we love it!! And we are thrilled to be able to use it whenever we want. Rob loves that Boston Whaler!!!
They picked us up and we're off....
Its just a short ride to the beach
The beautiful Pompano Beach Lighthouse
My Mom & I climbed to the top of that Lighthouse Once
When I was in Kindergarten...
We made it to the Beach

We also found our Dream House....its for Sale
What do you think?
Here's proof I was at the Beach....
Megan working on her tan...

It's time for lunch...The Boys getting the grill ready
It attaches to the side of the boat
Chef Nate....has it under control
Lots of Pelicans around
Lunch is Ready...good job Nathan
Its time to Snorkel

The water was still way to cold for me
We saw lots of cool boats going out

Great Day for Wind Surfing
and Boogie Boarding
Rob catching some shade with me under the Umbrella
Megan picking up Shells
The kids had fun digging in the Sand

Nathan is standing in the hole he dug....
Then before we knew was time to leave

Back to the Dock....
It was a SUPER FUN DAY and we can't wait to do it again!!

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