
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May - Crazy Busy Fun

May is a busy Month for us......but it's been so fun!!
We had two of our favorite people visit us!! Marcia Mom and Sister Jen!!
We LOVED having them. We just wished we would of had more time to spend with them. But both of them came down to de-stress and relax a bit and I think they both enjoyed some quite time in the Florida Sunshine!!
We had a Big Birthday BBQ for Rob's Big 40!! It was lots of fun to have our family and friends come out and enjoy the Big Day.
Then on Mothers Day Marica had to fly hoo we miss her so much!!

Marcia & Robbie
(his family calls him Robbie)

Thanks so much Marcia for coming down for Robbie's Birthday
We appreicate all you do for us!! You Always Make us Feel Special
We had so much fun just hanging out with you!!

Finally we had a free day off together and Jen was still in town
so we took a quick trip to the Keys

Rob & Jenny
Thanks for coming down Jen!!
Rob was so surprised (the best present ever) and excited to have his Sister share his Birthday.
And he was so happy to have some quality time with you!!
Hope your Sunburn isn't to painful!!
We Love You JEN!!!

Get ready for lots of pictures!! We have tons thanks to Jen, the family photographer!! The pictures are awesome Jen, thanks so much for taking them!!!

Birthday BBQ Pictures
Tradewinds Park - May 8, 2010

(If you click on a picture it will make it Bigger)

The Food...Lots of Ribs
Dad "The Buck" - Grill Master
We had lots of other food but no pictures of it...
Dad, his friend Larry, Chad and Len did the cooking
Thanks GUYS it was awesome!!!
Dad also made his Yummy Catfish Chowder!!!

Dad had to take a break from cooking to call his Sweetie...
Click on the picture to make it bigger and see what it says...
Thanks for all your Help Dad!!
We Love You

The Cake

Thanks for getting the cake Gina & Chad!!!
Blowing out the candles...that would not stay lit..
Do you like our Redneck table...LOL

The kids had fun playing all the yard games...
Thanks Lenny & Marisa for bringing all the cool games
It was all fun until the balls got caught in the tree....
Lenny climbing the tree to get them out...

Good Friends...
Jon & Suzie & Melissa & Rick
Gina & Lisa
Gina, Lisa & Miles
The boys did a little fishing....

Jerry, Rob, Joe & Ralphie
Aunt Dot with her Great Grandson Blake

Uncle Lenny & Blake
(Great Grandpa)
We all had fun loving on Baby Blake!!
He's the cutests thing ever!!
Gina & Blake
Time to eat...

Jennifer & Terry
Me, getting some love fron my Sweet Girl Caylie
Can't you just squeeze her cute little face!!
Beautiful Caylie
Lisa, Gina, Tiffany & Marisa
Uncle Lenny, Dad & Rob
Frank, Jen & Aunt Dot
Good Friends
Hans & Kelly
Brenda, Mike, Terry & Judy
Uncle Lenny & Len
(Father & Son)
Me and My Special Aunt Dot!!
Me, Aunt Dot & Gina
Ralphie & Robbie
Jerry & Joe & Bella
Dad, Frank & Uncle Lenny
Handsome Group
Donny, Rob, Hans & Miles
Donny, Rob, Hans, Miles & Jon
The Birthday Boy
All My these beautiful people are my Cousins
and Aunt Dot's Grand  Children
Billy & Nick sucking up the fan
The kids got to pet some horses that came by

And this little Angel Face is Baby Zach
Isn't he the cutest thing!!!
Pround Dad Mike with Zach

Thanks So Much EVERYONE for coming to the Party
We loved seeing everyone

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