
Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Pictures of our Beautiful Maria Elena

So Beautiful.....

We recieved new pictures of our Beautiful Sponsor Child in Guatamala.
She is doing so well and we are so proud of her and we are so happy to be able to keep her in school and provide her the tools she needs to stay happy and healthy with our sponsorship.
All of our pictures are always the same, she's always holding her new shoes and new backpack but thats okay we'll take whatever photos we can get. We love seeing how happy she is with her new items that our sponsorship is able to provide for her.
My dream would be to one day be able to go on a Mission Trip to Guatamala and meet our Beautiful Maria but I think my partner in Sponorship Kelly will get there before me!! Its a long flight and ya know I can't handle the flying!!!
If you want to help the children in Guatamala....or just read more about what's going on to help these children you can click here Mayan Families

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