
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Megan

Our Beautiful Megan Turns 11 years old Today!!

Happy Birthday Megan!!
We are So Proud of You
And We are So Excited to be able spend your Birthday with you!!

Happy Birthday Amy!!

Amy & Ashlyn (her Niece)

Today is my Beautiful Cousin Amy's Birthday
Happy Birthday Amy!!
May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You!! We Miss You!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Tracy!!!

Today is my Handsome cousin Tracy's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Tracy!!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
Tracy & his Fiance Kristin!!!
They are getting married in October
We Can't Wait for the Wedding!!
We Love You!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Fun

We had a fun weekend with the kids, had a little BBQ with friends and family, my Sister Gina, Chad & Billy were down for the weekend and we had a fun day at Bass Pro Shops!!

Dipping our feet in the pool
Kayla, Megan, Pattie, Rob & Billy
Silly Girls - Kayla & Megan

Nathan had more fun in the shower I think...

I thought these Palms looked cool as the sun was going down

Fun Day at Bass Pro Shops
Nate & Megan getting ready to make some picture frames
Billy making his frame
Billy's finished frame - look at the Buck in the background
he looks board....LOL
Nate & Meg working on their frames
Rob had to step in and move things along...
The kids working on their casting

We had a fun day - We all got new Guy Harvey's shirts and
we got a really cool beach umbrella shade thing for the beach
It's almost like a tent, hope we don't embarrass our friends with it...
we can't wait to use it next weekend at the beach.

Funny story - On the way to the BBQ on Saturday night, I told Megan to put something over her bathing suit and so she'll have something dry to put on after. Well she put on this cute little pull over sundress and as we are walking to the car I notice the pockets are in the back of the dress and I said Megan do the pockets go in the back of that dress?? She had it on backwards, we all had a good laugh. She switched it in the car. Well when we were getting ready to head home, Megan was putting her dress back on and we joked around and said make sure the pockets are in the front. Then as we get home and we are all in the elevator I noticed Megan's dress was on, not backwards this time but inside out...LOL we were all cracking up!!
(but it was dark outside when she put it on, so it was hard to tell that is was inside out)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fun Visit with our Good Friend MATT!!!

The week before the kids came down we had some company, Rob's long-time friend Matt came to visit us all the way from Wisconsin!! Rob & Matt had a great time while I had to work!!!

They had fun golfing, fishing, snorkeling, boating and singing Karaoke!! And Matt treated us to a nice dinner at the Beach!!

We enjoyed having Matt down so much, he is the sweetest guy and I can't wait to meet his wife when they come down in October!!

We didn't get to many pictures, just a few with the cell time Matt comes to town I promise to take real pictures!!

Rob & Matt on Deerfield Beach

Matt relaxing in the Ocean!
Rob's self photo!!
Me and Matt!!

Thanks for visiting us Matt - You are always Welcome
We Love You Man!!

Shrek 3D

Rob took us all to the movies yesterday to see Shrek 3D
It was very cute!!
Me & Megan getting our 3D on!!

Isn't she to cute!!!

on our way to the movies...
Megan loves her new hat, her new "cop" Sunglasses and those gloves with no fingers!

Check out the New Sunglasses

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Update - Run-away Helicopter

So the kids have been here since Saturday, we've had lots of fun already if you don't count the little accident Megan had on Sunday.
Today Megan and I had a nice day shopping at the Mall, she found lots of things that we couldn't get but she is making a list for later..LOL She especially wanted to get a bear from build-a-bear but if you've ever been there you know it's not easy to leave that place for less than $50 and today we had to shop at the stores we could charge at, because we need to save our cash for food for these kiddies!!! We actually had some things to return so then I let Megan get some early birthday presents, she got some clothes; shorts, shirts, two bras, a hat, a pair of skinny jeans, she loves those skinny jeans and these things that go on her hands, sort of like gloves only no fingers in them, I told her she looked like early Madonna. We never made it to the party store to look for stuff for her birthday party but we can do that tomorrow.
Nate has been going to work with Rob and so far Nathan has made $26 in tips in two days!! That kid is to much.
They have been in the pool every night. Tonight when they went down to the pool, Nathan took his remote control helicopter with him that Rob got from someone at his warehouse, it didn't run but of course Nathan got it to work, he was testing it out in the house, its pretty big and loud and he couldn't wait to take it outside. So they are down at the pool, Megans in the pool and Nathan starts up the helicopter, and everyone at the pool is amazed and watching him because its a pretty cool looking helicopter and its big, it takes off and it gets higher and higher and it starts going and going across the lake until they can no longer see it. Rob thinks it went all the way out to Powerline Road....they are all in a panic, everyone is on the hunt for this helicopter, poor Nate is freaking out. He said the controls would not work to bring it back and it got so high we think the wind just helped it along. Even the people that were at the pool were on the hunt for the runaway copter. Rob and Megan found it in another development across the lake, sitting on the ground in a hallway by the other pool with a pile of debris all around, it must have hit the ground pretty hard, but it still runs. Nathan was thrilled that they found it.
Stay tuned for more adventures.........Good Night!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let the Summer Begin....

Well our Summer has "officially" started as we picked up the kiddies yesterday. Spent 10 hours in the car but that wasn't so bad. We got home safely with Megan & Nathan!! We sure wish Ian could be with us. We are missing him like crazy. We did get to see him yesterday. He is so in LOVE with is girl friend Brittany that he can't stand to be away from her for one minute...ah young love!! If we could only tell them what its all about!! So Ian wants to spend the summer with his girl friend, but we hope to have him down for at least a week this summer when his Grandparents come to visit as well.

So we've had the kids for only 1 day and we already have an injury, normally we expect Nathan to either cut himself, burn himself, or blow something up at some point. (Remember this) But today when I was on my way to the grocery store, I get a call from Rob telling me that Megan got hurt at his shop and I should probably go and pick her up. So of course, I went to pick her up, poor thing. That Shop is no place for kids, espeically girls!! Apparently a piece of ply food fell on her and scraped her up pretty good. Miss Megan does not like the site of blood, so right away, even though it was just some bad scrapes she turned white and tossed her cookies twice...poor baby. We think it scared her more than anything. So I picked her up and we came home put the groceries away and then I took her to buy a new bathing suite to make her feel better!! Because lets face it your never to ill or hurt to go shopping!!

We had a nice Fathers Day Dinner with my Dad, Rob and the kids.. Ribeye's and I forgot to take a picture. But here are a few pictures of Miss Megan and her injuries.

Arm Scrape
The worst is her Right Leg and Ankle
There's also one scape on her hip as well

New Bikini
and new Flip Flops too...Nate also got new swim trunks
So the way I see it is we've already gotten our one injury out of the way and it's smooth sailing the rest of the summer. I am off Monday thru Wednesday this week to hang with the kids, mostly Megan because Nate will go to work with Rob and Megan's camp doesn't start until Monday. Rob will take off Thursday & Friday.
Next Week is Megan's 11th Birthday. We'll celebrate with us and then we'll have her Big Party in a few weeks when Grandma & Grandpa Miller come to visit us!! We are all very excited!!

Happy Fathers Day!!

Fathers Day Morning at our House

French Toast Breakfast

Happy Fathers Day to our Dads!!
My Dad, The Buck, Rob's Dad Ross!! and to My Husband!!
The BEST Dad's in the Whole World!!
We Love You!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day Trip to Jacksonville

I had to fly to Jacksonville today.....ya know I don't fly, so of course I was freaking out about it all weekend. But as usual I survived it!!! Thanks to the AWESOME JM Family pilots!!! It was a little rainy when we left, so ya know I was having major chest pains!! I only screamed once...LOL

This was our ride today.....I'm good now for another year!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lisa

Today is my Oldest Friend and
Soul Sister Lisa's Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Lisa!!
May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True
And May this be your BEST Year Yet!!!
Happy Birthday Lisa!!
We Love Ya!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Day Fishing for my Boys....not so good for the BASS

The Boys went to the Glades this morning (Alligator Alley) and caught a boat full of Bass!!!

Rob showing off a few....
The Buck...He caught the First One....Naturally

Here's another trophy!!
The Catch....Good Job Boys
Fish Fry must be around the corner....

I believe that's a Bakers Dozen they brought home......
June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010


For all you Sex and The City Fans out there.....
This movie was GREAT. I liked it better than the first one
because it was more fun and the clothes are insane!!
We had a girls night last week and went to see this movie and
we had a blast. It was a great laugh out loud movie!!
Go See It!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Tiffany!!

Today is my Gorgeous Cousin Tiffany's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Tiffany!!!
May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We LOVE You!!!