
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let the Summer Begin....

Well our Summer has "officially" started as we picked up the kiddies yesterday. Spent 10 hours in the car but that wasn't so bad. We got home safely with Megan & Nathan!! We sure wish Ian could be with us. We are missing him like crazy. We did get to see him yesterday. He is so in LOVE with is girl friend Brittany that he can't stand to be away from her for one minute...ah young love!! If we could only tell them what its all about!! So Ian wants to spend the summer with his girl friend, but we hope to have him down for at least a week this summer when his Grandparents come to visit as well.

So we've had the kids for only 1 day and we already have an injury, normally we expect Nathan to either cut himself, burn himself, or blow something up at some point. (Remember this) But today when I was on my way to the grocery store, I get a call from Rob telling me that Megan got hurt at his shop and I should probably go and pick her up. So of course, I went to pick her up, poor thing. That Shop is no place for kids, espeically girls!! Apparently a piece of ply food fell on her and scraped her up pretty good. Miss Megan does not like the site of blood, so right away, even though it was just some bad scrapes she turned white and tossed her cookies twice...poor baby. We think it scared her more than anything. So I picked her up and we came home put the groceries away and then I took her to buy a new bathing suite to make her feel better!! Because lets face it your never to ill or hurt to go shopping!!

We had a nice Fathers Day Dinner with my Dad, Rob and the kids.. Ribeye's and I forgot to take a picture. But here are a few pictures of Miss Megan and her injuries.

Arm Scrape
The worst is her Right Leg and Ankle
There's also one scape on her hip as well

New Bikini
and new Flip Flops too...Nate also got new swim trunks
So the way I see it is we've already gotten our one injury out of the way and it's smooth sailing the rest of the summer. I am off Monday thru Wednesday this week to hang with the kids, mostly Megan because Nate will go to work with Rob and Megan's camp doesn't start until Monday. Rob will take off Thursday & Friday.
Next Week is Megan's 11th Birthday. We'll celebrate with us and then we'll have her Big Party in a few weeks when Grandma & Grandpa Miller come to visit us!! We are all very excited!!

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